




In the name of God Amen The 8th day of July AD 1463 I Robert Noyse of Fressingfield being of sound memory make my will as follows:

first I bequeath and commend my soul to Almighty God the blessed and Glorious Virgin Mary and all the saints

my body to be buried in the graveyard of the parish church of Fressingfield

Item I leave to the priests officiating at my funeral to each of them 2d and to all those assisting 2d

Item I leave to the convent of the brothers of the order of the Blessed Mary in Norwich 13 shillings and fourpence

Item to the Friars Minor of Dunwich (?) 10 shillings

The unbequeathed residue of all my goods I give and leave to my wife Agnes and to John Caliver of Fressingfield whom I ordain and make executors of this my will and who are to arrange my funeral and dispose of the residue as seems to them best for the good of my soul.

As witness to which things I have affixed my seal to this present will on the day and (month) and year above stated.


Proved etc. at Wilbey 16 November etc. And committed to John Caliver. (somebody refused to act, and it looks as if some matters were left unsettled)