




In the name of God Amen the twentieth day of November 1468 I William Noyse of Ubbeston of sound mind etc. My body to be buried in the cemetery (churchyard) of St Peter in the aforesaid village

Item I leave to the high altar of the said church 12 pence Item I leave to the brother of the order of Friars Minor that is to say Lacy 10 shillings for the celebration of one Trental of St Gregory

Item I leave 10s to make two images, one of St Mary of Pity (?) and the other of St Sitha, to be placed on the altar of St Nicholas the Bishop.

Item I leave to my daughter Johanna (£5 ?) 6s 8d

I give and leave the residue of my goods to the disposition of William Sivard (?) of Badingham, Henry Cook and my wife Margery


Will proved 7 February 1469 at Laxfield


[St Sitha or Zita, of Lucca 1218 - 1272. Her cult spread northwards, and there was a chapel in her honour at Ely. She was especially invoked by housewives and domestic servants.]


The Friars Minor are the Franciscans.


A Trental was a set of thirty requiem masses.