

[Original in Latin]

In the name of God Amen



The fifteenth day of the month of October in the year of our Lord one thousand five hundred and thirty two I Joane Noys of Littleton in the parish Kimpton in the diocese of Winchester in my unsullied widowhood establish and ordain my last testament and my last will in this manner.

First I give and bequeath assign and commend my soul to God the Father Almighty the blessed Virgin Mary and all the saints and my body to be buried outside the door of the church of the Blessed Mary at Kimpton aforesaid beside Robert Noys formerly my husband.

Item I bequeath to the mother church of Winchester twelve pence.

Item I give to the high altar of the Blessed Mary in the aforesaid church of Kimpton two sheep.

Item I leave two hundred sheep to be divided equally among the daughters of my son Robert Noys and if it should happen (heaven forbid) that one of them should die I wish that the share of the deceased should be divided among the living and so from the first to the last.

Item I leave to John Noys son of the aforesaid Robert one hundred sheep and one cup called a masor with two silver spoons.

Item I leave to each of the daughters of the same Robert my son one silver spoon.

Item I give to the aforesaid John Noys one bed with all its appurtenances the best of those after the best.

Item I leave to each of the same Robert my son one cow and to John Noys their brother another cow and six horses.

Item I give to each of my godsons and goddaughters four pence.

Item I give to Anne Noys daughter of the often referred to Robert my best 'oraculum' and to Joane Noys sister of the same another 'oraculum' the second best one and to the aforesaid Anne my best silver belt.

Item I leave to the church of Fyfield three ewes and to the church of Cholderton one quarter of corn.

Item I give to the light of the Holy Cross in the church of Kimpton aforesaid two ewes.

Item I testify from my certain knowledge and with full deliberation that I handed back into the possession of the Abbot of the monastery of St. Peter in Gloucester all the right and title which I had and had acquired by an indenture from the said Abbot and the convent in the lease of the manor or Littleton made to me and to my sons Robert William John and Nicholas Noys and their kinsman Thomas Noys with the intention that the aforesaid William John and Nicholas Noys my sons and Thomas should be entirely excluded and in this matter I made a new beginning and acquired new demises from the same Abbot and convent to _____ John my son Emma his wife and their other sons and daughters as ______ I approve and confirm.

Item I give to Master Henry Brassart Rector of the parish church of Fyfield and I leave to Master John Arthur Vicar of the parish church of Howsborn Priors 6s 8d and to the curate of the church of Kimpton who is there at the time of my death xii d to the intent that he shall pray for the benefit of my soul and the souls of all my dead benefactors.

In addition I appoint William Mundy my brother and Robert Bosell my supervisors so that they may ensure that this my will is fully carried out in all ways and for their labour I give 6s 8d to each of them.

The remainder indeed of all my goods not bequeathed or assigned I give and bequeath to Robert Noys my aforesaid son whom I constitute my true executor and administrator of all my goods with the intent that he shall have them and dispose of some of them for the benefit of my soul and of the souls of all those now dead who were my benefactors as shall seem best to him and to arrange according to God's and for the best advantage of my soul. Amen.


Given at Littleton in the year and on the day aforesaid in the presence of Master John Arthur Vicar of Howsborn Priors aforesaid and Master Bernard Darbey Chaplain and William principal notary of the diocese of London with various other people.