


In the name of God Amen the 19th day of June in the year of our Lord God a thousand five hundred fifty and four I Thomas Noyse of West Grafton in the County of Wilts and parish of Great Bedwyn being in good and perfect memory thanks be to God ordain and make my last will and testament in manner and form following. Ffirst I give and bequeath my soul and ? unto the hands of almighty God and my body to be buried in the parish of Great Bedwyn aforesaid. Item I give and bequeath to John my son my freelands and XX wether sheep, ii kyne ii bullock and ii heffers. Item I bequeath to Thomas my son my hold estate title and interest of my hold at Ffulway with the appurtenances thereunto belonging and all my stock movable and unmovable there being at this put to enjoy them at Michelmas next following if it be Gods pleasure to call me to his ? before that time. Item I bequeath to William my son one hundredth of wether sheep XX ? sheep and ii bullock of ii years old a peace. Item I bequeath to George my son one hundredth of wether sheep, XX ? sheep, ii bullock of ii years a peace and to the same William and George I bequeath my hold estate and interest of my hold at East Grafton jointly together to ? the chattle and appurtenances thereof immediately after Michelmas next following if it pleaseth God to call me unto him. Item I bequeath unto my daughter Alice one hundredth marks of lawful money of England to be paid unto her at the age of xviii ? if she ? ? and not marry without the consent of my brother William and Johan my wife. Item I bequeath unto Thomas Rymyll my wifes son xx pence and XX wether sheep. Item I bequeath unto Bryan ? of East Grafton ? pence. Item I bequeath to Thomas Wayland my Godson xii pence. Item I bequeath unto the poor people to be ? at the discretion of my executors xx pence and the residue of my goods not bequeathed I give to Johan my wife and Robert my son whom I appoint and ordain to be my full executors willing them to deliver all my bequeaths aforesaid at Michelmas next following only excepted the hundred marks which I have appointed to be delivered to Alice my daughter at xviii years of age and for the ? execution of this my last will and testament I ordain my brother William Noyes of Urchfont and Thomas Pyle of Collingbourne Gent to be overseers thereof.