


In the name of God amen the 27th day of May in the year of our Lord God 1557 I Robert Noyes of West Grafton in the county of Wiltshire yeoman being in good and perfect memory do make my last will and testament in manner and form as here after follows. First I bequeath my soul unto the hands of Almighty God and to our blessed lady the virgin and to all the saints of heaven and my body to be buried in the parish church yard of Urchfont. Item I give to the poor people 40s to be given by my executor. Item I bequeath to the parish church of Urchfont 20d. Item I bequeath to the mother church of Sarum 4d. Item I bequeath to my mother Jone Noyes six quarters of malt. Item I bequeath to my brother Thomas Noyes 2 oxen which John Stagg hath. Item I bequeath to my brothers William Noyes George Noyes 2 oxen which Mr Bunkelow hath. Item I will and bequeath that all my sheep be equally divided between my 4 brothers John Noyes Thomas Noyes William Noyes and George Noyes. Item I will and bequeath my kyne and bullocks to be divided between my 4 brothers John Noyes Thomas William Noyes and George Noyes. Item I will and bequeath my wheat in the barn and my barley in the loft to be divided between my 4 brothers John Noyes Thomas Noyes William Noyes and George Noyes. Item I bequeath to my brother in law Thomas Rymell my black nagg. Item I will and bequeath to my brother John Noyes all the residue of my goods and cattles not bequeathed and to occupy my part of the term in West Grafton with my mother whom I do appoint ordain and make the said John Noyes my sole executor willing the said John Noyes to pay my debts and to have my debts and to deliver all my bequests aforesaid at Michelmas next following. Also I will my brother John Noyes to see my sister Alice Noyes to be paid my part according to my fathers will and if it fortune that my brother John Noyes do decease before the term of the years of the farm of West Grafton yet to come then immediately to remain to my brother Thomas Noyes with a plough of 6 oxen and three horse beasts and if Thomas Noyes do decease within the said term then to remain to my brother William Noyes with the said plough of 6 oxen and three horse beasts And if my brother William Noyes do decease within the said term then to remain to my brother George Noyes with the said plough of 6 oxen and three horse beasts. Witness barers to this my last will and testament Nicholas Salt of Urchfont aforesaid William Noyes of Urchfont Thomas Noyes of Ffulway John Smarte and Richard Nash of Ffulway aforesaid Nicholas Salt vicar and William Noyes.