



PROB 11/40 LH AND RH 10


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN In the year of our lord God m vf lvij (1557) I William Noyes of Archefounte in the Countie of Wilts yoman being of good and perfect remembrance make this my last will and testament in manner and form First I bequeath my soul to almighty God and to our blessed Saint Mary and all the hooly company of heaven my body to be buried in the parish church of Archefounte Item I bequeath to the parish church of Archefounte xxs And to the parish church of Manyngford xxs Item I bequeath unto the cathedral church of Sarum xijd Item I bequeath unto every godchild that I have only xijd a peace Item I bequeath v li (£5) at my burial and v li at the months end unto the poor people Item I bequeath unto Alice Noyes my daughter one hundred marks in money xx waites of wool a featherbed with the apparal And to Edith Noyes my daughter one hundred marks in money a featherbed with the apparel And Elizabeth my daughter one hundred marks in money a featherbed with the apparel Item I bequeath to John Noyes my son my lands at Marlborough and my free chapell at Escotte except Harmers Cowles which Robert Noyes shall have as an exchange for the xij acres and thonges during the term thereof and no longer and one hundred pounds in money iiij oxen ij horses at Manyngford and half the instuff there iiij kine one irebound cart and a sullow with the apparels there at Manyngford and cc sheep at Tilsede paying for the lease himself and a featherbed with the apparel and the third best standing cup and vj silver spoons of the middle sort Item I bequeath to Richard Noyes my son one hundred pounds in money xx waites of wool xx quarters of wheat xx quarters of barley to be paid upon Archefounte farm and xx quarters of malt and two hundred wether sheep one hundred upon Archefounte farm and one hundred upon Manyngford farm paying for them yerche iiij d a peace until such time he be xx year of age except he marry they to voyd v kine iiij oxen two horses one irebound cart a featherbed with the apparel the best silver peace and vj of the best silver spoons and half all manner of instore at Archfounte I bequeath to William Noyes my son all my estate upon Manyngford farm and Androwes hold incontinently after my death ccc wether sheep and one hundred ewe sheep as they shall ronne at the lett iiij oxen and vj kine two irebound carts xvj heythen two sullows and roller everything his wone apparel half the crop within and without and half of all manner instuff there he second best standing cup and the second best salt Item I bequeath unto Robert Noyes my son all my state upon the farm of Archefounte the personnage and the prebend Uphouse pyggard[i]s land except the xij acres and thongs which John Noyes shall have during my state thereof And therefore Robert Noyes shall have Hammas Cowles during the lease of the xij acres and thongs as an exchange And Robert Noyes shall enter unto his part incontinently after my death and he shall have eight hundred wether sheep and two hundred ewe sheep as they shall ronne at the leate xij oxon xij horses as they go together in the plough with their apparel and half the crop within and without viij kyne iij irebound carts with all things that belonging to them ix heythey two collars with their apparel three featherbeds with their apparel and his one beds for all the household besides the best standing cup the best salt sellar and vj of the best silver spoons and besides the third part of all manner in stuff there not named and if Robert Noyes die William Noyes shall have his part And if William Noyes die John Noyes shall have his part And if John Noyes die Richard Noyes shall have his part And if all my sons die without issue Joan Flower shall have Robert Noyes part and Alice Noyes William Noyes part and Edith Noyes John Noyes part and Elizabeth Noyes Richard Noyes part And if any of those iiij sisters die that then Marget Roff shall be one after the rate before expressed so that Margaret Roff shall be always last because she is lame And none of them shall have two parts at ones if there be any of my children alive to receive the same And if all my children die without issue then Annes Noyes my wife shall have half their goods lands and livings and the next of my kin the other half after the rate before rehersed And also I give and bequeath unto Agnes Noyes my wife two hundred marks in money besides xij li in Harrry Woodroffe's hands and ten kyne and a bull behind at Cawure and xiij other beasts that she brought with her unto Archefounte and all her instore likewhys that is to say pot pan puter and bedding Also I give and bequeath to Agnes my wife ten pounds in money and her meat and drink and chamber during her widowhood estate yearly and if she marry xx nobles and no finding And he that hath Archefounte shall pay viij li thereof and he that have Manningford shall pay xl s thereof yearly and the xx nobles to be paid after that rate And I will that he which have Manningford farm shall keep two of my children until they be xx years of age unless they be married or well provided for Also I will that if my children which shall be in the keeping of my sons Robert Noyes and William Noyes cannot allway and quitely agree with them that then my sons Robert and William Noyes shall pay for their keeping and finding what place and with whomsoever they will themselves And I will that Robert Benger of Manningford my bailiff there be as a guide and help unto my son William Noyes there until he be of a greater age and understanding Also I will that whosoever hath the parsonage at Archefounte shall give yearly as long as the leases of them douth hold at the oversight of the vicar and church wardens there xiij s iij d to the poor in the same parish Also I give and bequeath unto Alice Noyes my sister in laws daughter xx ewe sheep And I bequeath unto every man and woman servant that I have at Archefounte and at Manningford xij d a piece And if it do chance that any of my daughters die before come to marriage that their parts shall remain unto them the be alive in equal portions the residue of goods unbequeathed moveable and unmoveable and not before named I give and bequeath to Robert Noyes and William Noyes my sons whom I make and ordain my full and sole executors and my overseers John Noyes my brother whom I forgive vj li which he oweth me for his labour Robert Flower who shall have for his labour x weight of wool John Noyes my brothers son who shall have for his labour x li Robert Woodroffe my brother in law who shall have for his labour x ls and all their costs and charges wither soever they ride or go these bearing record to this First Henry Breighter Vicar there John Gedding John Covilia William Edwardes with other moo by me William Noyes above named Written with my own hand forgot I bequeath to Agnes Noyes my wife my dunne gelding and my grey gelding to Robert Noyes and my black to William Noyes