


In the name of God Amen The second day of Marche in the yeare of our Lord God MCCCCCLVIII I John Noyes of Charleton in the parish of Downton in the countie of Wilts husbandman being sicke in body but perfect in memory do make my last will and testament after this manner and forme folowing. Ffirst and principally I give and bequeath my soule to almighty God my maker redeemer and saviour trusting by the merits of his blessed passion to be the child of salvation, desiring also our blessed Lady Saynt Mary and all the company of heaven to prey for me. And my body to be buried within the churche of Saynt Lawrence in Downton. Item I give and bequeath to our Lady Churche of Sarum iij d. Item I give and bequeath to the high alter of my parish churche in Downton iiij d. The rest of all my goods and chattells movable and unmovable herein nott bequeathed my debts and legacies paid I give and bequeath them to Mary Richard John Margarett Alice Elenor and Hugh my sonnes and daughters making them my whole executors of all my goods and chattells equally to be devided and ______ betweene them vij portions like. And if any of my said sonnes herein named do decease or dye under the age of xviij years or my daughters herein also named do decease or dye before they come to marriage, or els to years of lawfull age then I will that his or their legacies of goods and chattals shall remayne among the rest of the brothers and sisters that liveth equally to be devided and ______ between them portion and pe____ like, and so from the one to the other of the brothers and sisters being under age by the discretion and advisement of my oversears whom I shall desire and think most ______ for the same Thomas Gawntestt and Richard Knight gentlemen of White Parish and Hugh Pilgrim of Grymsted my brother in lawe And my said oversears also to have the distribution and brynging upp or _____ my fowrth of my said vij children by their discretion and judgement as they shall thinke most _____ and ______. And they iij to have for their paynes xx s apeice witness to this my last will Robert Wheeler, Willm Barnes and Richard _____ with others.