

 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the second day of February 1590 I Richard Noyes of Manningford Bruce within the Diocese of Sap (Sarum) being sick in Body but of whole mind and perfite memory all Laude and praise be unto th' allmighty therefore Doe Constitute ordaine and make this my Last will and testamente in manner and forme followinge First I bequeath my soule into the Churchyard of Manningeford aforesaid Imprimis I give unto the Cathedrall Chruch of Sarum Twelve pence Item I give to the poore people of Manningford Bruce Ten shillings Item to Urchefonte poore people forty shillinges Item to John Noyes his sonne Robert of Foscott (? Escott) Twenty nobles Item to Thomas Noyes of Hatherden five poundes Item to my brother William his menservants two shillings a peece Item to his mayde servants three shillings a peece Item to Margarett Wright tem shillings Item to John Mudaye Twenty shillings Item to my Sister Cordrye his two children tenne poundes a peece Item my sister Alice Woodrowe five poundes Item to my brother Stephen Pycis his nowe sonne Twenty nobles a peece Item I give John Flowre of Estcott five pounds Item to every of the sonnes of Robert Noyes of Chowlderton Forty shillings a peece Item I give to my sister Pescod six poundes Item I give to William Noyes my brother William his sonne one hundred markes Currant money Item I give to my brother John Noies of Canone his sonne one hundred poundes Item to William Rowff five poundes I ordaine and make John Noyes of Canone my sole Executor Item my brother Stephen Picis and John Flowre of Escott my overseers and to them I give twenty shillings a peece Item to John Harrys Clerke ten shillings Item I give to thomas Elington of Potterne Twenty Shillings.

William Noyes these being witnesses Thomas Gall Thomas Noyes John Munday and John Harris.