


IN DEI NOMINE AMEN The fourth day of January Anno Domini 1595 I William Noyes of Manningford Bruce within the County of Wilts and Diocese of Sarum being sick and weak in body yet sound and perfect memory all lawde and praise be unto God therefore do constitute ordain and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First and principally I bequeath my soul into the merciful hands of Almighty God trusting to be saved by his mercy only for the merritts of his son Jesus Christ's sake my redeemer and saviour and my body to be interred in the parish church of Manningford aforesaid. And touching my temporal goods I dispose as followeth. Item I give to the Cathedral church of Sarum twelve pence. Item I give to the parish church of Manningford Bruce twenty shillings. Item I give to the poor people of Manningford aforesaid one quarter of wheat to be distributed among them by the discretion of my executor. Item I give to my son William Noyes all my right title and interest of my farm in Manningford aforesaid after my decease. Item I give to Robert Mundy the son of Agnes Mundy deceased of Manningford Bruce one hundred pounds of current money of England one feather bed one pair of canvas sheets one pair of blankets one coverlet one tuke bolster and dozen of pewter platters six pewter pottingers four saucers one dozen of pewter spoons two brass candlesticks one brass chafing dish one round table board in the parlour. All the which legacies before named shall be satisfied and paid when he the said Robert shall come to the age of one and twenty years. Item my will is that the said Robert shall have his dyetts and clothing with bed and house room at the charges of my said son until he come to the age of receiving his said stock provided always that whereas I received ten pounds of lawful money at the hands of Agnes Mundy the mother of the said Robert as in the stock for the said Robert my will is that the same ten pounds shall go in part of payment of the hundred pounds before given. Item I give to John Mundy one weight of wool. Item I give to Margaret Wright one weight of wool. Item I give to Christopher Wright the son of William Wright one cow the which I have going at Uphaven. Item I give to every of the children of the said William one ewe sheep apease. Item I give to William Webb my Godson ten shillings. Item I give to every of my household servants twelve pence apease. Item I give to Elizabeth Hollyday my servant ten shillings. Item I give to Margaret King my daughter three double ducketts. Item I give to John Harris clerk one quarter of wheat. The residue of all my goods and chattels movable and unmoveable whatsoever not bequeathed my debts and funerals and paid I give unto William Noyes my son whom I make my sole executor of this my last Will and Testament. Item I do ordain and appoint Richard Lavington of Wilsford and William King my son in law my trustee and faithful overseers to see this my last will performed accordingly. And for their paines I give unto each of them twenty shillings apease. These being witnesses John Harris clerk William Webb Gent and Thomas Millington.