


In the name of God Amen I William Noyse of Shipton in the County of Southampton yeoman being sick in body but sound in mind and of perfect memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. Imprimis I bequeath my soule to Almighty God and my body to be buried in the church of Shipton.

Item I give unto the parish church of Shipton VI s III d

Item I give unto the cathedral church of Winchester III s IIII d

Item I give unto my son John Noyse X pound

Item I give unto William Noyse the son of my son Richard Noyse XX s.

Item I give unto Fardinando Noyse the son of my son Richard Noyse XX s.

Item I give unto Rose Noyse the daughter of my son Richard Noyse X s.

Item I give unto William Powel the son of my daughter Margaret Powel XX s.

Item I give unto Fardinando Powel the son of my daughter Margaret Powel Xs

Item I give unto Thomas Powel the son of my daughter Margaret Powel X s.

Item I give unto William Holloway one ewe.

Item I give unto Alice Breeder VI s VIII d

Item I make and ordain my son Nicholas Noyse to be my full and whole executor and do give unto him all the rest of my goods and chattels moveable and unmovable whatsoever.

Item I appoint my cozen John Gale of Kimpton and William White of Collingbourne to be my overseers to see that this my will may be in every part performed.


Written the day and year above said in the presence of


Richard Hathaway, William White

John Gale