

Please Note: The top corners of the will are damaged and missing. The text is only complete down the centre of the will, which adversely effects transcription of the remaining text. of May in the year of...

...of our sovereign Lord James by the grace of...

...of the Faith and ____ of Scotland the xlviii th I John...

...Great Bedwyn in the County of Wilts yeoman being...

...mind and memory do make and ordein this my last will and testament...

...following. Ffirst and principally I do bequeath my soule to the hands...

...Almighty God my maker trusting and steadfastly believing to be...

...and passion of my leader and saviour Jesus Christ and my body to be of Great Bedwyn aforesaid in sure hope of ressurection to

Jesus Christ our only saviour and redeemer ____ burying my

I give and bequeath the same as followeth. Imprimis I give and bequeath

Cathedral church of Sarum xii d. Item I give and bequeath to my parish church

of Great Bedwyn iii s iiii d. Item I give the parish church of Burbage iii s iiii d.

Item I give and bequeath to the poor of the parish of Great Bedwyn vi s viii d.

Item I give and bequeath to the poor of the parish of Burbage iii s iiii d. Item I give

and bequeath to my sonne Richard Noyes one acre of wheat in Doraine furlong and

... acre of barley shooting upon _____. Item I give and Bequeath to my sonne Richard

Noyes four children my _____ to said xx s apease. Item I give and bequeath to my

sonne Adam Noyses daughter xx s of good and lawful money of England. Item I

give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Noyses three children xx s apease. Item I do

by ____ ____ forgive my sonne Ffrancis Noyes all manner of debts and dues or ____

of my debts due unto me from the beginning of the World unto this day. Item I give

and bequeath to my said sonne Ffrancis Noyses four children xx s apease. Item I

give and bequeath to my daughter Dorothies three children xx s apease. Item I give

and bequeath to Walter Barber my Daughter Janes sonne xx s of good and lawful

money of England provided always that all ____ aforesaid childrens legacies

of xx s apease shall be paid to their fathers ______ when six months

after my decease. Item I give to my kinswoman ______ Barber the daughter of

Walter Barber ten pounds of good and lawful money of England to be delivered

into the hands of my sonne Ffrancis Noyes when he shall be of the full age of

twelve years. And after that time to be paid out by my said sonne Ffrancis or

his assigns to the best ___ and ______ of the said ____until she shall be of

the full ___ xxi years except she shall happen to marry before that

time ___ then she to ____ the said ten pounds with the _____ and _____ thereof.

Item I give and bequeath to my servant _____ Burt x s of good and lawful

money of England. Item I do appoint my executors