

In the name of God Amen I George Noyse of East Grafton of the parish of Great Bedwin in the County of Wilts yeoman being sick in body but of perfect remembrance do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soule to God and my body to Christian burial. Concerning my temporal goods I dispose of as followeth. Item I give unto my wife Jane a ? with white in the flank and the red heffer. Item I give unto my nephews George and Thomas Noyse each of them a sheep. Item I give unto my servant Agnes Lavington XII d. Item I give unto the poor of the parish of Great Bedwin ? d. Item I give unto my son Robert Noyse and his heirs forever my lands lying in Wootton Basset in the County of Wilts. Item I give unto my nephew Robert Noyse one ewe sheep. Item I ? my self indebted unto my son in law Thomas Bury and Jane his wife my daughter in the sum of ? pounds of lawful English money for her dower in marriage to be paid by my executor ? in manner as followeth.? twenty pounds at the feast of St Michael next thereafter ? the date ? of the other thirty-four pounds within four years after ? fifteen pounds ? year during four years. Item I give unto my wife Jane ? sheep. Item I give to my wife Jane ? pigs and ? within ?. And all the rest of my goods and chattels and ? not bequeathed I give unto my son Robert Noyse whom I make executor of this my last will and testament, he the said Robert having and discharging my debts and funeral expenses . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the eighth day of May in the year of our Lord God one thousand Six hundred and seventeen in the presence of Richard Noyse John Noyse and Thomas Blandy.