


In the name of God Amen I John Noyse of Shipton in the County of South being sick in body but sound in mind and of perfect memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.


Imprimis I do bequeath my soul to Almighty God and my body to be buried in the church or churchyard of Shipton aforesaid.

Item I give unto Maude Noyse my wife her bed whereon she lies and bedstead and all things belonging thereunto.

Item I give unto her the little red cow that is with calf.

Item I give unto her also the acre of wheat lying under Cordries hedges and a reasonable acre of barley at harvest.

Item that she should have the rest of things ______ in the house for the duration of her life.

Item I give unto my son Simon all my wearing apparel and iiii bushels of wheat and iiii bushels of malt.

Item I give unto my son John Noise xx s.

Item I give unto my daughter Alice Noise x £.

Item I give unto my son George Noise x £.

Item I give unto the children of my son Simon Noise x £ to be equally divided among them when the eldest of them shall be xxi years old.

Item I give unto the parish church of Shipton v s.

Item I give unto the poor of Shipton aforesaid v s.

Item I appoint Nicholas Noyse and Richard Noyse my brothers to be my overseers of this my will and testament and do give unto a couple of _______.

Item I make and ordain William Noyse my eldest son my whole executor of all my goods and chattels movable and unmovable whatsoever which is not aforegiven in witness hereof I have hereunto set my hand this xxiiii day of March in the year of our Sovereign Lord James by the grace of God of England France and Ireland Defender of the Faith, the x__ th of Scotland on _____ and in the year of our Lord God 1617