


In the name of God Amen I Christian Noies of West Grafton in the

parish of Great Bedwyn Widdow being I praise God in perfect

memory and also in bodily resonable health yet considering that

I am in years and cannot long live doo make and ordeine

this my last will and testament in manner and form following

Imprimis comitting my soule to Christ my redeemer in full

_____ of his mercy and my body to bee buried at the

discretion of mine executor decently of my worldly

goods I bequeath to each of my children which shall bee

alive at my decease xii d a peace and every one of my grand

children which shall bee alive at my decease xii d a peace.

Item I give to Robert and Walter Barber the sonnes

of Walter Barber my sonne in lawe to each of them

five pounds to bee paid unto them within three years next

after my decease all which said legacies my sonne John

Noise is to pay in consideration of a deede of gift made by

mee unto him bearing date the day of the date of

these presents as by the said deede appeareth. Item I

give to the poore of the parish of Great Bedwyn xx s

and to the poore of the parish of Burbage xx s Item I

make executor of this my last will and testament

John Noise my sonne and overseers John ______ of

Gridden Park and William Pye of ______

In witnes whereof I have put my hand and

seale to these ____ the xvii th day of May in the

yeare of the reigne of our sovereign Lord Jame

by the grace of God King of England France and

Ireland the xvii th and of Scotland the vii th

and I doo by these pages give to my said executor all

my good and chattles my legacies being paid.