


In the name of God Amen The five and twentieth day of January in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred and twenty I Thomas Noyse of Frilsham in the County of Berks yeoman of good and perfect memory God to be praised do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say first I commend my soul into the hands of God my maker and creator hoping assuredly through the only merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour and redeemer to be made ____ of life everlasting and I commend my body unto the earth where it was made. Item I give unto the poor people of the parish of Frilsham aforesaid in the said County of Berks five shillings to be distributed unto the same poor at my burial by the churchwardens of the same parish and by my executrix and overseers hereafter named and appointed. Item I give unto the church of Yattenden in the County of Berks aforesaid xii d and unto the ringers therein at my burial xii d . Item I give unto the poor people of the said parish of Yattenden six shillings to be distributed unto them upon the day of my burial likewise by the churchwardens of the same parish of Yattenden and by my said executrix and overseers hereafter named. Item I give unto my daughter Jane and unto her only my second best bed with all the bedding and furniture thereunto belonging. Item I give and grant unto my daughter Jane unto her only use an anuity or yearly rent of forty shillings yearly to be issuing and given out of my messuage lands and tenements with their appurtenances in Frilsham and Yattenden aforesaid wherein I now dwell to be yearly preened taken and in will unto my said daughter Jane and unto her only use during the natural life of my said daughter Jane at the feast of Saint John the Baptist and the feast of Christmas by equal and even portions if Jane my wife and executrix of this my last will and Thomas my son or either of them live so long and if Jane my wife do so long keep her self my widow. The first payment thereof to begin at either of the said feasts which shall first happen next after my decease. And if the said Jane my wife happen to marry after my decease then for the better may _____ of my said daughter Jane I do give and grant unto my said daughter Jane an annuity or yearly rent of four pounds yearly to be issuing and given out of all my said messuage lands and tenements with the appurtenances in Frilsham and Yattenden aforesaid wherein I now dwell to be yearly preened taken and enjoyed unto my said daughter Jane and her only use during the natural life of my said daughter Jane at the feast of Saint John the Baptist and the feast of Christmas by equal and even portions if the said Jane my wife and Thomas my son live so long. The first payment thereof to begin at either of the said feast days which shall first happen next after the the marriage of the said Jane my wife. Item I give unto my daughter Jane's child twenty shillings to be paid unto him within one year next after my decease. Item I give unto my son Thomas ten sheep one cow and one bullock of two years of age. Item I give unto every one of my Godchildren twelve pence apease. Item I give unto Edmund Noyse my brother Johns son five shillings to be paid within one month next after my decease. Item I give unto every one of my servants who shall dwell with me at the time of my decease xiid apease. Item I give and grant unto Thomas Noyse my son one annuity of twenty shillings to be yearly issuing and given out of said messuage lands and tenements with there appurtenances in Yattenden and Frilsham aforesaid wherein I do now dwell to be yearly preened and taken and in___ unto my said son Thomas during his natural life at the feasts of Saint John the Baptist and Christmas by even portions if my said wife Jane so long keep herself my widow. Item if the said Jane my wife do marry after my decease then for the better maintenance of my said son Thomas I give and grant unto my said son Thomas one annuity or yearly rent of forty shillings to be yearly issuing and given out of all my said messuages lands and tenements with their appurtenances wherein I now dwell to be yearly preened taken and _____ unto my said son Thomas during his natural life at the feats of Saint John the Baptist and the feast of Christmas by even portions the first payment whereof to begin at either of the said feasts which shall first happen next after the marriage of the said Jane my wife. And all other goods and chattles unbequeathed my debts and legacies paid and my funeral expenses discharged I make and ordain Jane my wife sole executrix thereof and of this my last will and testament and of the execution of the same I make and ordain John Wheeler and Hugh Smallbone overseers and I give them for their paines in that beh___ ii s apease. And I do hereby utterly revoke and disanul all former wills testaments bequests and ______ _______ before this time named willed and bequested in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year above written in the presence of