

In the name of God Amen the ? of June 1624 I Jane Noyes of East Grafton in the parish of Great Bedwyn in the County of Wilts and Diocese of Sarum being sick in body but of perfect remembrance do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul to Almighty God and my body to Christian burial and for my temporal goods I bequeath as followeth. Imprimis I give to my two nephews Robert and Ffrancis Noyes sons of my son Robert all my household furniture bedding pewter and brass and linen to be equally divided between them excepted safe of this bequest my wearing linen ? I give to my daughter Jane and one dozen of ? ? I give to the said Robert and Ffrancis. Item I give to my cozen George Noyes of Burbage forever one sheep. Item I give to my cozen Thomas Noyes ? ? sheep ewes. Item I give to my nephew John Bury ? one ewe and lambe. Item I give to my son Robert ? sheep ? my ? ? I give to Jane Noyes wife of George Noyes of Burbage ? ? ? ? ? and my best ? I give to my daughter Jane the rest of goods not bequeathed I give to my son Robert whom I make of this my last will and testament executor, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the date and year above written in the presence of Richard Noyes and ? Jefferie ?