


In the name of God Amen I Joane Noyes of Heatherden in the County of Southton and Diocese of Winchester being the day of the making hereof that is to say the twenty and seventh day of October in the year of our Lord God ____ the Comput? Of the Church of England 1624 weake and feable of body but sound of mind and of good and perfect memory thanks be unto God therefore knowing certainly that I shall shortly from this world depart do as in this day revoke all former Will and Testaments at any time heretofore by me made either by word or writting. And make ordain, declare this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath my soule _____ to Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer most humbly beseeching him to set his death and passion between my sins (most grievous to remember) and his most right judgement ___ his _____ my body (my soules continual _____ ) I commit the same to the earth from whence it came to be buried where it shall seem most reasonable unto my son Robert Noyes. Item I give unto the poor people of Erchfont three pounds to be distributed amongst them where most needed is within one month after my decease at the discretion of Mr Peter Musbrake now Vicar of the special church of Erchfont aforesaid together with the _____ and approbation of my said son Robert Noyes. Item I do give and bequeath unto the poor people of Andover twenty shillings and to the poor people of the parish of Weyhill VI d and to the poor people of the hamlet of Tangley ___ to be distributed amongst them where most need is in every of the said several parishes at the discretion of my said son Robert Noyes together with the consent of the overseers of the poor in every of the said parishes. Item I do give unto Robert Noyes the son of my said son Robert Noyes twenty pounds to be paid unto him at the end of one whole year next after my decease and if he depart this life before then I give the said twenty pounds unto Richard Noyes and Ann Noyes the son and daughter of my said son Robert Noyes to be equally divided between them. Item I give unto every one of the rest of my said son Robert Noyes his children XX d apease. Item I give unto my godson and grandchild Richard Noyes of Erchfont twenty pounds to be paid unto him at the end of one whole year next after the day of my decease if he be then living and if he die beofre then unto Elizabeth Noyes and Ann Noyes my granchildren to be divided equally between them or wholly the youngest living of them if one of them die within a year next after my decease. Item I give to my other five grandchildren at Erchfont XX d apease. Item I give unto my brother Thomas Ashridge XX shillings and to my sister Wilde XX d to my sister brother X d to my sister Wolson X d to my goddaughters brothers X d to Alice Gurst X d. Item I give unto my daughter Ann Cooke of Cannings my wearing apparel my best black gown, all my _____ apparel ........ and my best riding skirt ........ . Item I give unto the maids servants at Heatherden II d apease. Item I give unto my cozen Pierce X d. The rest of all my goods and chattels ____________ or _________ not given or bequeathed I do give and bequeath unto my said son Robert Noyes whom I do make my only full and sole executor of this my last Will and Testament. And I do intreat and appoint my _________ welbeloved in Christ Peter Noyes of Andover the younger my cozen to be my overseer to see this my last Will and Testament performed. And I do give to him for his pains to be taken XI d to be paid by my executor.





Francis Matkin Vicarrig de Andever

Elizabeth Hurst