

In the name of God amen the tenth day of November AD 1636 I Robert Noyes of Hatherdeane in the County of Southampton Gent do hereby revoke all former and all other wills and testaments by me made and do declare this to be my sole and only last will and testament in manner and form following. First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to be buried near unto my dear wife Ann Noyes in the Chancel of the Church of Andover unto the church I give two shillings. And as concerning the bestowing of my temporal goods and estate I dispose of them as followeth in this my last will and testament. First I give unto the well thought of poor within the parish of Andover 20s to be distributed as it seemeth good unto my Executor within two days next after my burial/ then I do entreat Mr. Matkins vicar of Andover to preach my funeral sermon and for his pains and ? then ? and I give unto him 20s. Item I do give unto my dear wife Philippa Noyes the use of these parcels of my goods during the time of her widowhood which goods she shall give security to leave unto someone or more or more of my children or the value of them as there shall be set down in my inventory at the time of her decease or before ? these parcels of goods as there are here specified and put down. That is to say the bed or beds which she and I now lie upon with ring coverlets, bolsters and pillows the mattress the bedstead in the chamber over the hall called and known by the name of my Mother's Chamber the curtains or vallians ? bedstead the chairs stools and low stools embroidered and which are in that chamber one pair of pillowbears fit for her own use and one featherbed And bolster one pillow one coverlet two blankets one mattress for her maid to lay on with two pairs of ormary sheets fit for her use one ? pan one pair of tongues one pair of andirons one pair of bellows and two chamber pots, one of the best brass pots one pestle one skillet of brass two barrels one kiver to kneed dough in one of the best brass kettles. And upon the condition that it shall be before the delivery thereof first weighed and valued and that my said wife Philippa Noyes will give security such as shall seem fitting to two of my overseers of which my cozen William Peirse the elder of Stichcombe shall be one, as well for the discharging of for the named parcels of goods already specified as is before by me intended and ordered as also for the redelivery of such plate or the true value thereof unto the eldest son of my son Robert which shall be living at the time of her decease and if no such son of his be then living then unto Cycylie and Francis his daughters by an equal distribution to each of them if they shall be then living. I give unto my said wife Philippa Noyes one white silver Bowl the next one good unto my biggest white silver bowl me little white silver treat or salt my silver white sugar dish and half a dozen white silver spoons plain marked with KNP. I do give unto my said wife one coffer and chest of mine which she will make give to be delivered at her decease and left unto my Executor. Item I give her all the trunks with were her own and a small cabinet a boxes which she now uses for her private use with all her waring apparel rings of gult and silver bracelets, her furniture and forty shillings in money to be paid her within 14 days of my decease. And it shall be lawful for her to give away any part or the whole of any of these before bequeathed goods by me unto her so as she give it as before is ? and to no other at the time when she receive if or at another time during her life so as she make it appear to two of my overseers or it shall be lawful for her the plate only excepted to sell my part thereof at the prices it shall be valued at in my inventory to any one of my children whomsoever. Item I do give unto my daughter Phebe Noyes one hundred pounds to be paid her at the day of her marriage so as she marry with the approbation and consent of Mr William Smith and Mr William Perise my overseers and shall not be married within six months next after me decease. And if any Executor shall not be provided to pay her at that instant time he shall pay unto her every half year next ensuring after the day of the solemnate of that marriage five pounds of lawful money ? he shall pay her the ? sum of one hundred pounds for her marriage portion. And if my said daughter shall remain unmarried he shall pay her yearly eight pounds by the year at the two most useful feast days and days of payment the feast of the blessed virgin Mary and the Feast of St Micheal archangel by even and equal portions the first payment whereof to begin and be made at that Feast day of the two named Feast days which sall first happen next and immediately after my decease. And if she shall depart this life unmarried I give the said hundred pounds unto William Noyes, John Noyes and Peter Noyes my sons to be equally shared between them or to the live or liver therein life of them/item I give unto my daughter Phebe one new featherbed with a pair of blankets and a bowlster one pair of dowles sheets and the coverlet which layeth upon the bed she now layeth on/and I give her the sheep which are marked and rudled for her and the silver spoons which were give her at her christening if any such were/Then I give unto my son Nathaniel Noyes fifty pounds to be paid him within six months next after my decease and to him and to his heirs of his body lawfully to be begotten eight pounds ? to be issuing and payable fourth of that month of days which I have settled upon his son Edward by my son Edward at the two most usual feast days of payment by equal portions that begin at the next and immediately after my decease provided that if my son Edward Noyes shall pay him within one month next after either of these Feast days and days of payment one hundred pounds. That then and from then further annually Eight pounds paid and every part hereof shall forever cease and be ____ Item I give unto my said son Nathaniel Noyes one featherbed whole and sound in the ? 2 blankets one coverlet, boulster and 1 pair of dowles sheets or one ordinary. And if he hath no silver spoons of his own given him by his godfathers and godmothers I give unto him one silver plain white spoon mark with RMP and I do give unto him my second suit of my apparell which is in goodness with my second best hat stockins ____ coat _____ shirt ____. Item I give unto William Noyes my son if he be living to be paid him within six months next after my decease three score pounds. And if he shall depart this life before six months next after my decease I give the said three score pounds unto my sons John and Peter to be equally divided between them or to the longest liver of them if one of them shall be dead ____. Item I give unto William Noyes my son new featherbed with 2 blankets 1 pillow one boulster one coverlet and two pair of ____ sheets/Item I give unto my son William Noyes two white silver spoons mark with RNP and the spoon or spoons which his Godfathers and Godmothers gave him/ Item I do order that if my Inventory devise unto five hundred pounds and upward that my son Edward Noyes shall allow thirty pounds to bind his Brother John apprentice, and if it do devise unto Five hundred and three score pounds he shall in augmentation of his Brother William portion give and pay unto him ten pounds over and above the three score pounds appease to be paid unto them as they shall attain unto the age of fourteen years appease then to be put into some sufficient and honest mans hands for their advantage until they shall be married and if any one of them depart of this life before they attain unto the age of fourteen years my Executor shall not be chareable with that portion. Item I give unto Peter Noyes and Samuel Noyes the sums of my son in law Mr Samuel Noyes born on the body of my daughter Ann Noyes deceased three pound apeice to be paid them if they shall be living with in threes years next after my decease to be ___ for them to give best advantage/item I give unto them the silver spoon or spoons if any such be ___ their mothers/Item I give unto my son Edward Noyes and to his heirs forevermore All that my moiety and half part of any land purchased of Sir Edward Barret comonly known or called by the name of Dynes ____ Welcopiece Cowpasture plocks woods ground and meads with the trees now growing and standing and which shall increase grow or stand upon that moicty with all its rights members and appertain acres with Common of pasture and feeding for ____ and sheep in and upon Hatherdene Heath and all other common ___ pastures and places wherever feeding hath been taken with all ways casements ___ commodities advantages and hereditaments whatsoever thereunto belonging or any ways appertaining which said lands were ____ taken and reported as part and parcel of the farm of Foxcot or of the manor of Foxcot. And which said lands ___ lately in the tenure of Peter Payne or his assignor and now in the tenure and occupation of me Robert Noyes the elder. Item wheras by an agreement formerly made with Mr Thomas Hughes Esquire the said The Hewes for the consideration of £150 or thereabouts (whereof £100 was paid unto Mr Hughes in Ester Term last was twelve months and wherof forty pounds was allowed and abated by to __ by the said Mr Hughes ____ his curtesey for my pains in his behalf) to convey and assure to me and my heirs for ever one parcel of ground containing thirty seven acres or therabouts in Wakeswood in Chute Hampster as also to convey the titles from term issuing in the same manner and at the same rates as he himself should buy them now my will is that the siad lands and titles shall be conveyed and assured to my son Edward Noyes and his hears forever in the same manner as the same lands and titles should have been conveyed unto me he paying the overplus of such moneys yet unpaid which according to the agreement are due unto Mr Huges/Item I give unto all my Covenants servants and to the boy Tarrant 2/6d apeice but unto Rebecca I give 5t. The residue of all my goods not given and disposed of my debts and legacies discharged I give and bequeath unto Edward Noyes my son whom I make my sole Executor of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby intreat my ___ and well beloved friends Mr Thomas Hawles Mr Peter Noyes and Mr William Perise the elder and Mr William Smith of _____ to be overseers of this my last well and testament _____ truly praying and desiring them to see this me last will and testament for the _____ of my wife and children in every point according to the true intent of meaning thereof to be fully performed appointing that my said overseers shall have their charges bourne from time to time so often as they shall travel or be put to any expenses for and about this my last will and testament. And I do give unto them ten shillings a piece in expression of my thankfulness and love unto them. In witness whereof I have written this my last will and testament with my own hand and put thereto my seal in the presence of these whose names are here under written.