


IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the nine and twentieth day of April in the year of our Lord 1639 I Dorothea Noyes of Wilcott in the County of Wilts widow being sick and weak in body but of perfect memory thanks be given to God doe make and ordaine this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say First I commend my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping assuredly through the merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made partaker of life everlasting and my body to the earth from whome it came to be buried in the church at my fated end.

Imprimis as touching distribution of my temporal goods Item I give my sonne William Noyes a double silver salte, two silver spoons nine pewter platters three pewter sawcers the best brass pot one little brass pan one little brass skillet the bedstead with a W & N on the head of him one coverlet lined with fustian one fether pillow one paire of flaxen sheets three table napkins the great chest that is in the chamber over the hall the chair thats wainscott the warming pan I give to Jane Noyes the wife of William Noyes my sonne one gould coife and a redd purse Item I give to Jane Noyes my Goddaughter one stall of bees Item I give and bequeath to John Noyes my sonne five pounds of lawful English money two silver fruit dishes two silver spoons one five shilling piece of silver the truckle bedstead in the chamber over the hall one fetherbedd one fetherboulster one fether pillow the second best coverlet that is redd and blewe one pair of holland sheets one paire of blankets one paire of flaxen sheets one flaxen towel one paire of holland pillowties three table napkins the third best brasse pot the third best brasse pan nine pewter platters three pewter sawcers the second best brasse kettle the third best spitt one brass candlestick the wainscott chest that is in the chamber over the parlour the cubberd in the hall one boardcloth one flagon to be paid him within one month after my decease Item I give to Simon Noyes my sonne one silver bowle with a cover out of which my will is that the said Simon Noyes shall give unto my sonne Henry Noyes twenty shillings the second best brasse pann one maltmill the great chest in the chamber over the parlour one fetherbedd with the bedstead one mortar and pestle the wainscott and glasses and nothing to be removed one long board in the hall two silver spoons the great presse over the hall Item I give unto Elizabeth Noyes the wife of Simon Noyes one childbedd sheete with the facecloth And my will is that the same shall remain after her decease to Emm her daughter one chest wainscott in the chamber over the hall Item I give Emm Noyes the daughter of Simon Noyes one gould Angell a silver bodkin one box with a cuishonett on it Item I give to Elizabeth Noyes the daughter of Simon Noyes one stall of bees Item I give to Robert Noyes my sonne five pounds of lawful English money one silver bowle two silver spoons one mazzard one spaniall my wedding ring one bedstead in the chamber over the hall with the curtens and rodds thereto belonging and the fether bedd and fether bolster laying therein the white rugg one paire of blankets one paire of holland sheets one of them with seem in the middle one paire of flaxen sheets one paire of holland pillowties one fether pillow the best diaper boardcloth the best flaxen towell two table napkins one damaske napkin one cupperd cloth wrought with covert blewe the second best brasse pott the best brasse pann the brasse skillett without a handle one paire of new sacks one lynnen chamber pott nine pewter one charger three sawcers one pewter porridge dishe the best pewter candlestick the best chafing dish the bigger pott the best trunk the cupperd in the chamber over the milkehowse and ioyned box five sheep the best kettle one pewter bason and cover one little board in the hall one grediron one paire of hangers two barrells Item I give to Abraham the sonne of Robert Noyes my sonne three pounds of lawful money of England to be paid him within one month after my decease two sheep and four lambes Item I give to my sonne Robert a newe ticke for the bed bequeathed to him Item I give to Henry Noyes my sonne three score pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to him within one month after my decease one silver tunn with a cover one spaniall one gold ring that was my mothers, one fether bedd one fetherbolster one coverlet a paire of blankets a paire of holland sheets a paire of canvas sheets one paire of holland pillowties three table napkins one flaxen towell one table board cloth s..ged at both ends the little brass pott the bigger brasse posnett the bigger brasse skillett the lesser spit the iron dripping pan the two brasse pans the greatest chest in the meale howse the second best chest in the chamber over the hall the morst Chittell the heavy cupboard in the same chamber one stock of bees the table boards frame and forme in the parlour five sheep one newe ticke for his bolster and one brasse bason to be paid and delivered him within one month after my decease Item I give to him one ioyned box which is carved on the sides And if the said Henry Noyes shall dye before the due payment before the end of one month after my decease then my will is that the said threescore pounds and all the other goodes given and bequeathed to him shall be equally divided amongst my other foure sonnes Item I give to Edward Bird ten shillings Item I give to my two goddaughters Dorothie Bird and Dorothy Landon (?) two shillings apeace Item I give to the parish church of Wilcott twelve pence Item I give to the poore of the parish of Wilcott one pound and five shillings to be given amongst them at my funerall. Item my will is that the foresaid legacie being paid my funerall expenses discharged and all things which concern this my will and testament paid for that the residue and suerplus of all the monyes whatsoever I have or are owing to me shallbe divided between my sonnes William Noyes and Henry Noyes whereof the said William to have one aparte and Henry two partes And I constitute and appointe my sonnes Simon Noyes and Robert Noyes to be the Executors of this my will and testament Item I do desire and appointe my beloved freinds Thomas Pike of Ramscomb and Thomas S..tton of Woodborough to be the overseers of this my last will and testament to see it performed according to the true meaning and intent thereof. In witness whereof I have hereto settt my hand and seale Dorothie Noyse testatrix In the presence of the marke of Elizabeth Peerse witness Thomas Pike.