

In the name of God Amen I Samuell Noyse of Hatherdeane in the parish of Andover in the County of Southampton Gent calling to mind the inevitable assuredness of mans dying hour and the dubious and uncertain manner and time when And being sick in body but of good and perfect mind and memory blessed be God do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. First and before all worldly respects I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my creator and my body to the earth from whence it came hoping through the assured meritts of my blessed Saviour to be made _________ of the resurrection of the _____ and after that unspeakable happiness which God hath prepared in heaven for all those that fear and serve him. And as for my worldly estate which God hath been pleased in ______ to bless me to have I give and dispose in manner and form following. First I give and bequeath unto my son Peter Noyse and Samuell Noyse six pence apease to be paid them by my executrix hereafter named within one year next after my decease. Item I give and bequeath unto Jane my loving wife and her heirs forever all that my messuage or tenement situate lying and being in Hatherdeane aforesaid heretofore in the occupation of one William Mundy And also all those three ______ fields of arable land thereunto belonging called or known by the names of Homefields Bemawages and Barly Ash and also all those three closes of arable land called by the name of White Cross Grinnaway and Butt Close and also all those two closes of arable land called Long Closes and also all those two meadows called or known by the names of Barn mead and Ponns Close mead or New Mead and also all that meadow adjoining to the orchard belonging to the aforesaid messuages and also all that little meadow shooting between the said ____ closes and the said close called Grinaway. And also one other little meadow adjoining to the said close called Butt Close together with all and singular Comons premises and commodities and appurtenances whatsoever with the said messuages or tenement and _____ belonging or appertaining to hold the same messuages or tenements and with that _____ unto my said wife Jane and her heirs forever provided always and it is my will and meaning that if my said son Peter shall within two years next after my decease pay or cause to be paid unto my said wife Jane or her heirs (with all such moneys he now stand indebted to and oweth me being near about four hundred pounds and shall make the same) one thousand pounds, that then it is my will and meaning that all and singular the said messuage or tenement and arable lands and other the aforementioned premises with their tenure shall be and promised unto my said son Peter and his heirs forever. Item I give unto William Noyes Nicholas Noyes Thomas Noyes John Noyes Robert Noyes Edward Noyes Joseph Noyes Richard Noyes Ellen Noyes Mary and Jane Noyes sons and daughters of me the said Samuell Noyes the sum of six pence apease to be paid then within one year next after my decease by my executrix hereafter named. All the rest of my goods and chattells not herein before bequeathed I give and bequeath unto my said wife Jane and do hereby make and appoint her my sole executrix of this my last Will and Testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this thirtieth day of August 1661.



Witnessed by


Joseph Hinxman

William Hinxman