


In the name of God Amen the 21st day of October 1670 according to the ? of the Church of England I Thomas Noyes the elder of Wedhampton in the parish of Urchfont yeoman being of perfect memory and remembrance praised be God do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only saviour and redeemer to ? free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and as for my body to be buried in Christian burial at the discretion of my executor hereinafter nominated.

Item I give unto my son Thomas Noyes twelve pounds of lawful money and to have the hand of it delivered to him presently after my decease and also my bed that I lye on with all things thereunto belonging and all my wearing apparel and one ewe. Item I give unto my daughter Alice five pounds of lawful money within six months next after my decease. Item I give to my daughter Alice my best bed with all thereunto belonging and my best brass kettle and my best skillet and all my linen in the coffer in the hall chamber. Item I give unto my daughter Elizabeth five pounds of lawful money to be paid also within six months after my decease. Item I give unto my daughter Ann thirty shillings that her husband Edward Giddings oweth unto me already. All the rest of my goods chattels and cattels moveable and unmoveable with doors and without I give unto my son Robert Noyes whom I make and ordain sole and whole executor of this my last will and testament. Item my will is that the goods in the hall the furniture and my best bedsted shall remain unto my Grandchild Robert Noyes after the decease of his Father and Mother. Item my will is that whensoever any or all these legacies shall come to be due they shall give my executor a general ? at the time when it is to be paid or ? they shall have ? pence apease whosoever ? and I do give my friends Mr Robert Noyes of Fulway and my neighbour Thomas Manning to be my overseers of this my last will and I do allow them for their pains twenty pence apease. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and year above written.