

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Robert Noyes of Ffulway in the County of Wilts gentleman being sicke in body but of perfect sense memory and understanding Do make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I give and bequeath my soule unto Almighty God my maker And to Jesus Christ my only redeemer through whose meritts alone I trust to inheritt Heaven and the Joyes thereof desiring to be decently buried at Itchilhampton in the parish of Alcaning in the said County the charge thereof to be defrayed by my executor. Item I give and bequeath to my sonne Thomas Noyes all that parcell of land lying in Coate called by the name of Meadeams als Kendalls And it is my will and desire that if my said sonne Thomas shall receive any molestation or any disturbance from my executor or from or by any person under him concerning the same Then I doo bequeath the Coppice ground commonly so called consisting of five and twenty acres or thereabouts unto my said sonne Thomas in lieu of the said land in Coate as aforesaid Item I give and bequeath to my said sonne Thomas two bedds which I now lye on with all things thereunto belonging Item I give to my daughter Sarah the sum of five and fifty pounds and the bedding in the Long Chamber and all things thereunto belonging Item I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha Stevens ? the sum of twenty pounds Lastly I do hereby constitute make and ordaine my very good friends Mr Richard Bayly of Itchilhampton aforesaid John Paradice and Robert Dorchester my sonnes in law to be overseers of this my last will and testament desiring them to see me decently buried as aforesaid And to cause this my last will to be performed In testimony whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Three and Twentieth day of August in the Three and Twentieth year of his Majesties Reigne that now is over England etc Anno Domini 1671. The marke of Robert Noyes. Item I do give to my daughter Mary Player the summe of twenty shillings to buy her a ring. in the presence of John Hillary clericus Will Beaumont