


The Eighteenth Day of December in the Thirteenth year of the Raigne of our Sovereign Lord Charles the Second By the grace of God of England., Scotland France and Ireland Kinge Defender of the Faith etc. Annoque Domini One Thousand Sixe hundred and Sixtie One I William Noyes of Shirfeild English in the Countie of Southampton Clerke (God bee Blessed) beinge of good and perfect Memory, though sick of Bodie knoweing nothinge to bee more Certaine (illegible insert in margin) haveinge a desire to Leave that Estate which God in mercie hath lent mee settled, and without Contention, Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following That is to say First and Principally I Commend my Soule into the Handes of mine only Saviour Jesus Christ who hath Redeemed and Purchased itt with his most precious blood And my Body to the Earth from whom itt was taken to be interred in a decent manner att the discretion of my Executrixe hereafter named in a sure and certaine hope and Confidence of a most Joyfull Happy and Blessed Resurrection to Eternall life, Item I give and bequeath unto Margarett my now wife that Messuage Tenement, dwellinge house and all other Ediffices, Together with thirtie acres of land (bee they more or less) called and knowne by the name of Ashille Scituate and beinge att Cowesfeild Loveres in the Parish of Whiteparish within the Countie of Wiltes and nowe in my owne possession Together with all and singular Advantages and Appurtenances to the same Messuage Landes and Premisses Appertaineinge or to and with the same now or att any tyme heretofore had used and enjoyed or held as part parcell or Member of the same, Which my Will is that those the said Margarett may enjoye and hold for here owne use and benefitt dureinge the Terme of her naturall life onely and now longer, and after her decease my Will is And I doe hereby give and bequeath the same Landes and every Parte Parcell thereof as above and unto my Sonne William Noyes if he bee then Living and to the heirs of his bodie lawfully begotten To have hold and Enjoye the same as above said for Evermore And if hee the said William shall not Survive and outlive his Mother Then my Will is that the sayed Landes to be sould to the Best Advantage And that the money thereof made amy bee Equallie divided betweene the Rest of my Children already borne and to be borne Item I give and bequeath unto my said wife Margarett All that Messuage or Tenement Scituate and beinge in Rumsey Extra Tunsbenny or else when, belonginge to the said Messuages backside Curtilage, Orchard and Garden, One Close of One Acre more or less Adjoyneinge to the said Messuage Five Acres of Lande more or lesse in Wymen and Twingham One Acre of Lane in Tunsberry Meade, more or lesse, One close called Boome Close Five Acres more or less, One Moore Adjoyninge to the Southend of the said Tenement Three Acres more or less together with all Advantages and Appurtenances to the same Appertaineinge or to or with the same now or att any tyme hereafter or heretofore held and to bee held and enjoyed as Parte Parcell or member thereof which said Messuage Landes and premises were fourmalie Purchased of One Peter Kennett of Rumsey Bricklayer Which said Messuage Tenement and premisses as aforesaid my Will is she the said Margarett may enjoy until my daughter Mary accomplish the age of Twentie years and no longer The Income and benefitt of which said Messuage is to bee for and towardes the breedinge upp of my Children borne and to bee borne And when my said Daughter Mary shall come to the age of Twentie yeares my Will is that the said Lands bee sould to the best Advantadge and the money thereof made to bee Equally divided betweene my Two daughters Mary and Jane already borne and the other to bee borne to bee delivered to them and theire use when they come to the said Age of Twentie yeares as before said Butt my Will is that my Sonne William have noe parte of this money Item I give and bequeath to my Sonne William my Daughters Mary and Jane and the Child or Children yett unborne Tenne Poundes a yeere To bee presentlie disposed of and Imployed For them to theire best Advantage untill they shall Accomplish the Age of Twentie yeares And Then my Will is that the same with all the encrease arisinge therefrom may bee delivered unto them for their owne proper use and benefitt And if either Dye that money to be Equally divided betwixt the Rest Item I give my gold Sealed Ringe unto my Sonne William to bee delivered to him when he is of years of Discretion to use itt Item I give and bequeath my hand and hande Ringe to my Daughter Mary to bee delivered her by her mother when she has discretion to use it Item I give Tenne shillinges of Lawfull money to my daughter Jane to buy her a Ringe which my Will is her mother deliver her when she comes to yeares of Discretion as above Item my Will is That Tenne Shillinges of like money bee Layde out for a Ringe to be delivered to the Child yett unborne with which my said wife Margarett nowe goes with when that shall come to the yeares of Discretion as above Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonne William and my Daughters Mary and Jane each of them a Feather bedd with all thinges belonginge thereunto to bee delivered to them when they shall accomplish the age of Twentie yeares as a above Item I give tot he Poore of the Parrish of Shirfeild English thew Summe of Twentie Shillinges to bee bestwoed in bread and given amongst them by Roger Pope gentleman and Arthur Pope All the Rest of my goodes Chattells Leases Debts oweinge mee dues householde stuffe and utensills whatsoever within Doore and without Moveable and Immoveable I give and bequeath unto my said Wife Margarett whom I make Sole and Onely Executrix of my last Will and Testament my Debtes Legacies and Funerall Charges paied and discharged And I do hereby Nominate Constitute and appointe my brothers Symon Noyes of Wilcott in the Countie of Wiltes yeoman John Noyes of Farrington in The Countie of Berkes yeoman and Henry Noyes of Kerry Lane within the Cittie of London Silversmith Overserrs of this my Last Will and Testament and doe desire them to see it truly Performed where my above said Executirx shall make Fayler and for their paines therein my Will is they should have Tenne Shillinges a peece paid them by my Executrix William Noyse signed sealed and acknowledged in the presence of Roger Pope William Pope Thomas Symes Frances Hews his marke.