


and devise to my friends and relations Mr William Richards of Covent garden Mr. Henry Eyre of Ashlington Mr John Skrine of the Middle Temple and my Brother Mr Robert Noyes all my Messuages lands tenements and heriditaments in Fulway and Erchfont in the County of Wilts and in Wallworth in the County of Surry or elsewhere in the Kingdome of England and also all my personall estate whatsoever (saveing what is thereof hereafter perticulerly devised to have and to hold to them and the survivor of them until my eldest sonne William Noyes shall attaine his age of Twenty and Four yeares and in case of his death before untill my eldest sonne then beign shall attaine his age of Two and Twenty yeares to and for the trusts intents and purposes hereafter mentioned vizt to lett and sett to farme my said messuages lands and Tenements from time to time as there shall bee occasion to such person or persons and under such rent and rents as to them or the survivor of them or to such of them which will undertake the trust (which I beg of them all to doe for Christs sake and for mesake of poore helpless harmless fatherless and motherless children) shall seeme meete and expedient and alsoe to continue or from time to time to put forth and dispose att interest or otherwise all or such to my personal Estate as they shall think fitt which they are hereby impowered to doe and to bee at noe losse whatsoever by reason of bad securityes or otherwise but to bee from time to time allowed and reimbursed all charges and expenses whatsoever which they or either of them shall bee at in execution of this trust out of my said estate and afterwards out of the rents issues and proffitts thereof or out of the personall estate itselfe in the first place to pay or cause to bee payd to my dearly beloved helplesse daughter Frances Noyes one Annuity of Forty pounds p anno to be paid unto her quarterly att the Fower most usuall Feasts in the yeare that is to say St michael the Archangell the birth of our Lord God the Annuciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St John the Baptist by even and equall portions the first payment to bee made att the Feast which shall next happen after ny decease without any deduction defaltcon whatsoever for or in respect of any taxes or assessments whatsoever and after this trust shall be expired I give and bequeath unto hir the like annuity dureing her life to bee paid unto hir as aforesaid by my heire whome I adjure to bee kinde unto hir and carefull in making payment for that God hathe bin pleased to give her but a little weake body incapable (as conceived) of bearing children and therefore I hope she will never inclined to marry but leade a virgins life in chastity and piety and to give good advice to her brathren Item I give unto her as a further testimony of my kindnesse her late mothers necklace of Pearls Gold watch my Ebony Cabinett and Gold ringe my little silver Candlestick and Snuffers my Five pound piece in gold and one hundred pounds in money I doe likewise recommend my said daughter to the care and custody of the said Mr Richards her Godfather and in the next place I begg my said Trustees dureing the continuance of this trust to pay and allow to my Foure sonnes William John Richard and Thomas Noyes out of the rest of the profitts rents and issues of my said Estate or out of the estate selfe (if there shall be occasion) a convenient maintenance and Educacon according to their severall capacityes that is to say whist att scoole what my trustees shall thinke fitt and when my two sonnes William and Richard shall be actually students att this Inn of Court (where they desire to be) Forty pounds per .anno apeece to bee paid to each of them quarterly untill the end of one yeare after they or either of them shall bee of Barr Standing or actually called to the barr And alsoe I then give and devise to my said sonne Richard Three hundred and Fifty pounds and in case of his death before I give the said Three hundred and Fifty pounds to bee equally divided betwixt his sister and brothers then living he releasing his right in a Legacy of Twenty pounds given given him by his Uncle Mr John Paradise which I have received to his use Item I give and devise to my two other sonnes John and Thomas Noyes Three Hundred and Fifty pounds apeece to be paid to each of them at their severall ages of Two and Twenty yeares and in case of either of their deaths before his Legacy to goe to his then surviving sister and brothers share and share like and in case of both their deaths before to goe in like manner my meaneing is that each of them the said John and thomas Noyes shall and doe in like manner release their severall Legacies of Twenty pounds given them by their Uncle Paradise which I have received to their use or in default thereof I give to them only two hundred pounds apeece Item I desire that those my said sonnes last named may bee placed either with Captaines of Ships or merchants according to their owne desires Item I give to my said eldest sonne William all my bookes silver sword best belt my strikeing watch his late mothers wedding ring & a gold seale ringe with the Brighams arms on it one paire of silver Candlesticks and Twenty pounds given him by his said unlce Paradise and in case he doth not I will and devise the severall Legacies given to him as aforesaid to his said Brother John Noyes Item I give to my said Three younger sonnes to each of them one of my gold mourning rings and to each of my said Trustees to my sister Paradise to each of my halfe brothers and sisters to my Cozen Mrs Elizabeth Dimerand (?) and to Elizabeth Freeman my servant to each of them one of my gold mourning rings Item I give to the said Mr Richards Tenn pounds to buy him mourneing to whome I comitt all my said sonnes being assured of his kindnese to them Item I give to my Uncle Mr Robert Manndrell (?) my wyre plate buttons according to promise Item I declare that when the said trusts shall happen to bee att end by the expiration of the said time of my siad sonne William and Richard attaineing their severall ages of Twenty and foure and and twenty and two yeares or my said sonnes John and Thomas attaineing their respective ages of two and twenty yeares That then in case there bee any debts contracted by my said Trustees in manageing of the trust or in case there is not then remaineing sufficient personall estate to pay and satisfy such debts and alsoe such Legacies as shall then remain unpaid I then will and devise my said Wallworth Lands to my said Trustees and theire heires to sell and dispose thereof to pay and satisfy all such debts and Legacies as remaine unpaid and afterwards with what shall remain to secure the payment of my said Daughters Annuity or if my said sonne William or eldest sonne then in being shall pay and satisfy such debts and Legacies Then I give and devise to my said sonne William or such eldest sonne then in being my said Wallworth Lands To have and to hold together with all my other lands at Fulway and elsewhere to him and to the Heires of his body to bee begotten and for want of such Issue to my said Sonne John and to the heires of his body to be begotten and for want of such Issue to my said sonne Richard and to the heires of his body to bee begotten and for want of such Issue to my said sonne Thomas and to the heires of his body to bee begotten and for the want of such Issue to my said Daughter Frances and to the heires of her body to begotten and for want of such Issue to my said Brother Robert and his heirs for ever Item I desire that the said Mr Skrine would get in my debts for which I will and desire him to be employed ..... Item I will that my lease hold estate at Erchfont doe accompany my Fullway lands and the lease to be renewed out of my estate by my said trustees or my executors Item I declare that if I happen to dye in or near London I then desire to be buryed either in or near the same grave as my late dear wife and I will that nothing but rosemary and white gloves with scarfes for the bearers be only given Item I will that my boyes have stuffe and my daughter cloth mourning and Bety Freeman my maid forty shillings to buy her mourning And lastly I make my said trustees together with my said daughter Frances and sonne William Executors of this my will my said Trustees to manage all things till the said several ages of my said sonnes of fower and twenty and two and twenty years and then to resigne their Executorship and tryst to said sonne William and Frances my daughter or to the survivor of them all written with the proper hand of me William Noyes of the middle Temple gent being in perfect health mind and memory thanks to be to God believing the resurrection of the dead and hopeing for joy in another world Witnesse my hand and seale to the Fourth side of this my will conteyned in one sheet of paper this Twenty seaventhe Day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred eighty and six.


Signed sealed and published in the presence of Wm. Pretyman his of the first ..... Office Mr Dandridge Apothecary in Covent Garden Will Hyde Brewer att St. Giles Robt Bickley late of the New Exchange.




WHEREAS since the making of my will hereunto annexed the Chambers in the Temple are become intirely mine by the death of my Chamber fellow Mr Richard hath which I hold for two Assignments after my decease and having admitted two of my sonnes William Noyes and Richard of the Society of the middle Temple I do hereby devise the said Chambers to my said Two sonnes to be divided betwixt them my said sonne William to have his choice after division and to bee solely admitted into the said Chambers and theirby lyable to commons and other dutyes saveing Chimney money and in case of either of their deaths the Survivor to have and enjoy the whole Chambers Item I give to each of my said sonnes John and Thomas Noyes Threescore pounds as an addition to their former legacyes to bee paid to them as in my will and in case of either or both of their deaths to goe and remaine as in my said Will Witnesse my hand and seale ratifying and confirming my said will this Seaventh day of September in the year of our Lord one Thousand six hundred eighty and seaven.

Signed sealed and published and witnessed in the Testators presence by John Norwood Robert Waite Richard Dickson


WHEREAS the day of the date of this second Codicil I have settled on my sonnes John Richard and Thomas the sums of seaven hundred pounds by deed under my hand and seale I do therefore revoake out of the legacy of three hundred and fifty pounds to each of them bequeathed by my will as followeth that is to say two hundred and fifty pounds to each of my said sonnes John and Richard and Two hundred pounds to my said sonne Thomas and doe hereby confirme the settlement by my said deed and alsoe the remaining parts of my said will Witness my hand and seal the Ninth day of Aprill Anno Domini one Thousand six hundred Ninty.