


IN THE NAMEOF GOD AMEN The ffour and twentieth Day of June in the Ninth year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the third by the graic of God of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith etc. Annoq. Dm. One thousand six hundred ninety and seven I Wm. Noyes of the middle Temple London gent being of good and perfect mind and memory thanks be therefore given to Almighty God and calling to mind the fraile and uncertain condition of this transitory life Doe make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following ffirst and principally I humbly resigne my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Jesus Chjrist my only Saviour and Redeemer by whose memory and whose meritts I doe believe and assuredly hope to obtain free pardon and remission of all my Sinns and offences and to inherit among the Elect and joyes and fruition of eternal life My body I commit to the Earth from whence it came to be buryed in decent and Christian manner at the next parish Church where it shall please God I shall dye at the discretion of my Executor herein after named in sure and certain expectation of a joyfull resurrection at the last Day And as to my worldly goods and Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I order and dispose thereof in the manner following Imprimis I give to my Sister Miss Frances Noyes the Sum of fifty pounds to be paid her at the end of six months next after my decease and as a further token of my love I give my said Sister my pair of Silver Candlesticks I give to my Brother Mr Richard Noyes two hundred pounds to be paid him at the end of six Months next after my decease and I doe forgive my said Bro Richard all the Debts which he oweth me Item I give to my said Bro Richard two hundred pounds moreto be paid at the end of twelve Months next after my decease but in case my Bro John Noyes doe forgive and acquitt my Bro Richard Noyes all the debts due to him and contracted by my said Bro Rich to my said Bro John to the four and twentieth day of June one thousand six hundred and ninety and seven then I does onely give give my Bro Richard two hundred pounds to be paid him at the end of six months as above I give to my brother Mr. Thomas Noyes ffifty pounds to be paid him at the end of six moneths next after my decease I give to Miss Elizabeth Freeman my Sisters Maid ffive pounds to be paid her immediately after my decease I give to the said Elizabeth Freeman all my Cloathes Linnen and Woollen Lastly I give to my brother Mr. John Noyes my Estate at Wallworth in the County of Surrey with all the rest of my Estate reall and personall in the Kingdome of England or elsewhere and I make my Bro. John Noyes sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament hereby revokeing all former Wills declareing this to be my last Will and Testament written with my owne hand upon one sheet of paper In witness whereof I have hereunto set my had and Seale the Day and year first above written Wm. Noyes signed sealed and published by me Wm Noyes to be my last Will and subscribed in the presence of Ja Marriott Joh Tymperon Wiff Clowes.