

 In the name of God Amen I Robert Noyes of Manningford Bruce in the county of Wilts Yeoman being very sick and weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory praise be therefore given to Almighty God do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. That is to say first and principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping through the merits death and passion of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins, and to inherit everlasting life, and my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor hereinafter named and as touching the disposition of all such temporal estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I do give and dispose thereof as follows.

Imprimis I will that my debts and funeral charges shall be paid and discharged.

Item I give and bequeath unto my loving wife Alice all my goods and household stuff in and belonging to my dwelling house in Manningford aforesaid, and fifty pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid her by my executor. Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Alice the sum of two hundred and fifty pounds of like lawful money to be paid her by my executor as soon as she shall come of the age of one and twenty years or at the day of her marriage provided it be with the good liking and with the consent of my overseers hereafter named, and my will is that the legacy given to her in the last will and testament of her Grandfather Roger Poulton is part of the legacy before mentioned. Item I give unto my three daughters Elizabeth, Jane and Anne to each of them the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of like lawful money to be paid to each of them by my executor as soon as they come to the age of one and twenty years or at the day of each of their marriages, provided also it be with the good liking and with the consent of my said overseers. And also my will is that the legacies given to my daughters Elizabeth and Jane in and by the last will and testament of their Grandfather Roger Poulton is part of their legacies before mentioned. Item I give unto my son Roger the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds of like lawful money to be paid him by my executor as soon as he comes to the age of one and twenty years. Item my will is that if it shall happen that any or either of my children before mentioned shall die before their legacies shall become due and payable that then such legacy or legacies shall be due and payable to the survivor and survivors of all my children to be equally divided between them. Item I give unto my four daughters before mentioned and to my son Roger aforesaid the yearly rent or sum of five pounds of like lawful to be paid to each of them by my executor yearly and every year until the legacies before given shall become due and payable to each of them free from all taxes and payments whatsoever. Item I give unto my son Robert Noyes one shilling. Item I give unto my loving Brothers Thomas Noyes, Edward Noyes and my brother in law Thomas Poulton to each of them ten shillings to be paid them by my executor to buy each of them a ring desiring them to be overseers to this my last will and testament to see it performed in all things to the utmost of their power. Item all the rest and residue of my personal estates goods and chattels whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my son Thomas whom I make my full and sole executor of this my last will and testament. And I do hereby revoke, disanul and make void all former wills and testaments by me heretofore made. In witness whereof I the said Robert Noyes to this my last will and testament have hereunto set my hand and seal the tenth day of April in the ninth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Anne now Queen of Great Britain. Anno Domini 1710.