

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Peter Noyes of Trunkwell als Trunkwells in the parish of Shanfield als Shingfield in the County of Berks Esq. Being in good health of Body and of disposing mind and memory thro' Divine mercy doe make publish and delcare this my last Will and Testament in manner following recommending my Soul to Almighty God trho' the alone meritts of Christ my Saviour I direct my Body to be interred in the parish Church of Shingfield aforesaid in a decent and private manner at the discretion of my Executrix as touching and concerning my Estate and Substance it hath pleased god to bless me withall after my just Debts and Funerall charges paid and satisfied I give bequeath and dispose of the same as follows Whereas upon the marriage of my Daughter Elizabeth with Joseph Kiffin Citizen and Leatherseller of London since deceased in the Settlement of my Estate there is a power and Authority therein reserved to the Trustees therein named to raise the Sum of one thousand pounds as I by my last Will and Testament or by Deed or otherwise as therein is expressed shall limit and appoint now in pursuance of the said power and Authority I doe hereby direct and appoint that four hundred pounds (part of the said one thousand pounds) and Interest for the same after the rate of five pounds per Centum per Annum from the time of my decease shall be raised and paid and I doe hereby gie and bequeath the said Sum of four hundred pounds out of the first money raised by the said Authority unto Peter Noyes my Nephew Son to my Brother Mr. William Noyes and the residue of the said Sum of one thousand pounds which I hereby appoint and direct shall be raised by the Trustees I give and bequeath unto my said Wife her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns all the rest residue and remainder of all my Estate whether real or personall Goods Chattles recommending her to be kind unto my said Nephew and I doe hereby revoke all former Wills and Testaments before by me made and of this my Will and Testament I make constitute and appoint my dear Wife Mary my full and sole Executrix In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal and published this to be and contain my last Will and Testament this fifth day of December in the sixth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lady Queen Ann Anno Domini 1707 Peter Noyes Sealed Signed and published and declared by the said Peter Noyes to be his last Will and Testament in the presence of us and in the presence of the Testator and at the request we have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereunto the day and year last above written John Godfrey Jno. Bradhaw Catherina Godfrey Mary Wilson.