



I William Noyes of Great Berkhamsted in the County of Bedford Gent being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following Imprimis I recommend my soul unto Almighty God hoping for salvation through the alone merits of Jesus Christ my Saviour And my body I commit to the earth to be buried in the parish church of Horspath in the County of Oxford which I would have done as privately and with as little expenses as is consistent with decency And as touching my personal estate I give and dispose thereof as followeth First I will that all my debts and funeral charges be thereout paid by my executors hereafter named And whereas my dear wife Martha hath an ample provision made for her by settlement on marriage I therefore leave her only the sum of twenty pounds for mourning Item I give unto such servants as shall be living with me at the time of my decease four pounds apiece for mourning or otherwise as they shall think fit All the rest and residue of my personal estate of what nature or kind so ever I give unto my mother in law Mrs Elizabeth Herbert and the Reverend Dr Noyes Rector or Northchurch in Hertfordshire in trust for the benefit of my sons Thomas and William Noyes and such other child or children as my said wife shall be enceinte with at the time of my decease and my will and mind is that the said Mrs Elizabeth Herbert and the said Dr Noyes and the saviour of them shall have the care and education of my said children and shall be at liberty to apply from time to time such part or proportion of my said personal estate as they shall think proper towards their education and maintenance and likewise be at liberty to divide amongst my said children when they shall attain their respective ages of one and twenty years what shall remain of my said personal estate unexpended in their maintenance and education amongst them in such proportion as they shall think proper And lastly I hereby appoint the said Mrs Elizabeth Herbert and the said Dr Noyes executors of this my will and guardians of my said children and will that they shall not be accountable to anyone touching the execution of this my will in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this second day of December One thousand Seven hundred and Twenty eight Sealed and delivered by the above mentioned William Noyes and by him published and delcared as and for his last will in the presence of us who have subscribed our names in the said Testators presence Edward Patteson Elizabeth Clarke


Probate was granted to this will 18th April 1729