


In the name of God Amen I Alice Noyes of Wedhampton in the parish of Urchfont in the county of Wilts widow being of a sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following/revoking all other will or wills be made at any time heretofore made.

Impremis I give my son Thomas Noyes of Wedhampton in the county aforesaid all the benches shelves dressers in the house as I now liveth in and likewise the cupboard in the kitchen and the press in the kitchen chamber.

Item I give to my daughter Alice Edwards of Wedhampton and county aforesaid all my wearing apparel both linen and woollen to be delivered her within six months after my decease by my executors herein named. Item I give to my grandson John Edwards of Wedhampton and county aforesaid the sum of ten pounds to be paid him by my executors within six months after my decease. Item I give to my granddaughter Anne Edwards of Wedhampton and county aforesaid my chest of drawers to be delivered her within six months after my decease by my executors hereinafter named. Item I give to my granddaughter Alice Edwards of Wedhampton and county aforesaid six diaper napkins to be delivered her within six months after my decease by my executors herein named. Item I give to my daughter Elizabeth Pierce of Wedhampton in the county aforesaid my best rug and blanket and pillow and chest to be delivered her within six months after my decease by my executors hereinafter named. Item I give unto my granddaughter Jane Pierce of Wedhampton and county aforesaid the sum of ten pounds and my largest pewter dish the money to be paid and the dish delivered within six months after my decease by my executor herein named. Item I give to my daughter Jane Hiscock of Allington in the county aforesaid my best large diaper tablecloth she paying to her sister Elizabeth Pierce of Wedhampton (as before agreed at the delivery of the said tablecloth) the sum of ten shillings the said tablecloth to be delivered within six months after my decease by my executor herein named. Item I give to my grandson William Dick of Rushall in the county aforesaid the sum of ten pounds to be paid him within six months after my decease by my executor herein named. Item I give to my daughter Anne Brooks of the Devises in the county aforesaid the sum of ten pounds and my best Holland sheet the said money to be paid and the sheet delivered within six months after my decease by my executor herein named. Item all the rest of my household linen as is not already given away upon this my will I give to my daughters Alice Edwards Elizabeth Pierce and Jane Hiscock to be equally divided between them and there respective parts or shares to be delivered to them severally within six months after my decease by my executor hereinafter mentioned. Item I give to my grandson Lewis Noyes and my granddaughter Sarah Noyes (son and daughter of my late son Robert Noyes deceased) the sum of one pound one shilling each to be paid to them severally within six months after my decease by my executor herein named. Item I give to my son Roger Noyes of Wedhampton in the county aforesaid my leasehold new built dwelling house situate lying and being in Wedhampton in the county aforesaid during the term of his life and after his decease I give the said leasehold dwelling house unto my daughter in law Mary Noyes now wife of my son Roger Noyes for so long time as she shall continue my son Roger Noyes's widow and after the death or widowhood of the said Mary Noyes I give the aforesaid leasehold dwelling house and the appurtenances thereto belonging unto my grandson Robert Noyes son of the aforesaid Roger and Mary Noyes during all the rest and residue of the term of years as shall be to come and unexpired in the said lease. And I likewise give to my grandson Robert Noyes aforementioned my best bed and curtains to be delivered him within six months after my decease by my executor herein mentioned. And I likewise give to my son Roger Noyes aforesaid all the rest and residue of my household goods as is not already given away upon this my last will and testament to be delivered him within six months after my decease by my executor herein mentioned. And my will is that the ten pounds be laid out and expended at my funeral at the discretion of my executor herein mentioned. Item I give all the rest of my personal estate whatsoever except what is not already given away unto my son Thomas Noyes before mentioned whom I do ordain constitute and appoint full and sole executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seal the sixteenth day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty and in the fourth year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George II by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King defender of the Faith 1730.



Signed sealed and declared by

the testatrix to be her last

will and testament in the

presence of


John Swallow

Joanna Swallow


Probate dated October 1731