



The thirtieth day of July in the first year of the reign of our sovereign Lord George the second by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith etc anno domini 1727 I William Noyes of Reading in the county of Berks Gent being in perfect health and of good sound and disposing mind and memory thanks be given therefore to Almighty God but considering the uncertainty of this present life do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner following First I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body I desire may be decently buried with as little charge as may be in the Chancel of the parish church of Shinfield in the said county of Berks in case I happen to die by the said parish and at the discretion of my executrix hereafter named And as for my estate both real and personal I dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis I give and bequeath all those to Slipes of freehold land which run through my orchard at Egham in the county of Surrey which I let you purchase to my and my heirs of and from Jonathan Newman the elder and Jonathan Newman the younger And also all that piece or parcel of ground ajoining to the malthouse there now in the possession of one Phillip Stone lying and being at Egham Hyth in the parish of Egham aforesaid and which I lately purchased to me and my heirs of and from Richard Dixon of Egham aforesaid to the use and behoof of my dear and loving wife Margaret Noyes and her assigns for and during the term of the natural life And from and after her decease then to the use and behoof of my son William Noyes his heirs and assigns forever he and they well and truly paying unto my son Peter Noyes his executors administrators or assigns the sum of thirty pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain within three months next after my said wifes decease Item I give and bequeath all that messuage tenement or farm with the appurtenances wherein John Rose now dwelleth together will all and every the closes pieces and parcels of arable land meadow and pasture ground there unto belonging situate lying and being in the parish of Swallowfield in the counties of Wilts and Berks And also all my estate rite title and interest whatsoever of an in all that messuage of tenement with the appurtenances wherein one Thomas Sumner now dwelleth situate lying and being in the parish of Basing in the county of Southampton together with all the lands tenements and hereditaments whatsoever to the said last mentioned messuage or tenement belonging of appertaining And also all that piece or parcel of ground now converted into an orchard or garden lying and being in Basing aforesaid in the said county of Southampton now in the possession of Richards Spencer to the use and behoof of my dear and loving wife Margaret Noyes and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life without impeachment of or for any manner of waste And from and after her decease then to the use and behoof of such person and persons and for such estate and estates and to and for such uses intents and purposes as she the said Margaret Noyes from time to time by any deed or deeds writing or writings to be by her signed sealed and delivered in the presence of three or more credible witnesses or by her last will and testament in writing or any writing purporting her last will and testament to be by her signed sealed and published in the presence of the like number of witnesses direct limit of appoint and for want of such limitation direction or appointment enter the use and behoof of my son Peter Noyes and my daughters Winifred Noyes and Anne Noyes their heirs executors and administrators forever equally to be divided between them share and share alike Item all my plate monies rings goods chattells and real and personal estate unbequeathed of what nature kind or quality so ever I give and bequeath unto my said loving wife Margaret Noyes to hold to her her executors and administrators forever desiring her to pay and discharge all my just debts which I shall owe to any person or persons whatsoever at the time of my decease Item I make and ordain my said loving wife full and sole executrix of this my last will and testament and I do require and charge all my children to live in fear of the Lord in dutiful obedience to their said mother and in unity on amongst another in witness whereof I the said William Noyes the testator have here unto put my hand and seal the day and year first above written Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said William Noyes the Testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the said Testator John Silvester Junior Edward Hodges Senior Edward Hodges Junior etc


Probate was granted of 17th July 1734.