

In The Name of God Amen


I Thomas Noyes of Urchfont in the County of Wilts yeoman being of a sound mind and memory do make ordain and declare this writing to be my last will and testament and to be in manner and form following (Revoking disanulling and making void all other will or wills by me at any time herefore made) I give unto my son Robert Noyes the sum of one shilling to be paid him by my executor herein mentioned within twelve months next after my decease. I give unto my son William Noyes (after the decease of Mary my beloved wife) one bedstead bed and bedding thereto belonging which said bedstead bed and bedding I would have to be not the best nor yet the worst but a middling one. I give unto Mary my beloved wife the use of all my household goods during her natural life and after her life I give the aforesaid bedstead bed and bedding unto my son William Noyes aforesaid. All the rest and residue of my moneys goods chattels and effects whatsoever (together with my aforesaid household goods after the decease of my wife ) I give unto my son Thomas Noyes of Urchfont in the County aforesaid his executors and assigns whom I do constitute and appoint to be my full and whole executor to this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty ninth day of May in the thirteenth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth and in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and forty.


Signed sealed published and declared

by the testator to be his last will

and testament in the presence



John Swallow the elder

John Swallow

Elizabeth Snook