

 In the name of God Amen I Robert Noyes of Upton in the Parish of Hurstbourne Tarrant in the county of Southampton Yeoman being weak in body but of sound and perfect mind and memory thanks be given to Almighty God do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Firstly I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me in hopes of a joyful resurection thereinafter and as touching all such temperal I take as it hath pleased God to bestoe upon me I give and dispose therefo as followeth.


Impremis I will that my debts and financial charges be paid and discharged. Item I give my loving wife Mary two hundred pounds in money, and all of my household goods and stock in my shop and dwelling houses * of and in satisfaction for her dower and thirds and I also give my said wife Mary full power and privileges of living in and occupying my dwelling house and shop with the garden and orchard and other necessaries thereto belonging during all the time that she remaineth my widow she keeping the same repair. Item I give my brother Joseph Noyes of Upton all my lands in Upton aforesaid with the barn, stable, reekhouse, backside and all other premises thereto belonging during the full term of five years after my decease and my stock on my said land as corn, cattle and all other materials in the farming way I do hereby give to my said brother Joseph with full power and privileges of living in and occupying my said dwelling house and garden with Mary as long as they shall think proper living together and after the end of said term of five years after my decease give my brother William of Andover all my messuages and tenement lands and premises in Upton aforesaid (if excepting my messuage and garden to my wife and brother Joseph as aforesaid) during the term of his natural life, and after his decease to my kinsman William Noyes son of my brother William Noyes aforesaid and his heirs for ever. All the rest and residue of my effects unbequeathed I give to my brother Williams children and my sister Sarah Kent of Vernham her children and equally devided between them within twelve months after my decease, and lastly I do make my loving wife Mary and my brother Joseph Noyes executor and executrix of this my Last Will and Testament and do revoke all former Wills by me herefore made and do declare this to be my Last Will and Testament sealed with my seal dated thirtieth day of May 1749.


Signed sealed published declared to be my Last Will and Testament in the presence of us:


Thomas Blandly

Mary Blandly Rick Suttons