

I Mary Noyes of Wedhampton in the parish of Erchfont in the County of Wilts Widow do publish and declare my last will and Testament in manner and fform following (that is to say) ffirsth I give and bequeath unto my kinsman Robert Noyes of Devizes in the said County of Wilts Clothier and William Salmon of Devizes aforesaid Gentleman All that my leasehold estate consisting of a messuage or tenement and One yard lands situate lying and being in Wedhampton aforesaid lately in the tenure or possession of Roger Noyes and every part thereof with the appurtenances To hold the same unto the said Robert Noyes and William Salmon their Extors admons and assigns for and during all the remainder of my term and estate therein upon this special trust and confidence and to the intent and purpose that they the said Robert Noyes and William Salmon and the survivor of them and the Extors and admons of such survivor do and shall permitt and suffer my daughter Alice Noyes spinster peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the said premises and receive and take the rents and profits thereof to and for her own proper use and benefit for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after the decease of my said daughter Alice Noyes do and shall permitt and suffer all and every the child and children of my said daughter Alice Noyes and his her and their extors and admons peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the said premises and receive and take the rents and profits thereof to and for his her and their own proper use as tenants in common and not as joint tenants (if more than one) for and during all the then remainder of my term and estate therein But in case my said daughter Alice shall happen to die without leaving any child or children of her body or issue of such child or children surviving her Then do and shall permitt and suffer my daughter Mary the wife of George Lewis of Urchfont aforesaid yeoman her extors admons and assigns peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the said premises and receive and take the rents issues and profits thereof to and for her and their own proper use and benefit and during all the remainder of my term and estate therein and to or for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever And whereas by one bond or writing obligatory bearing even date with this my will my said daughter Alice became and stands bound unto me my extors admons and assigns in the penal sum of ffive hundred pounds with condition thereunder written or contained reciting a copy of court roll of the manner of Erchfont aforesaid bearing date the twentieth day of October which was in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Thirty Ffive by which my said daughter claims the reversion for the term of her life of and in a customary tenement and two yard lands with the appurtenances in Wedhampton aforesaid now in my possession and further reciting as therein is mentioned and contained and then conditioned that in case any child or children of my said daughter Anne shall happen to be living then that my said daughter Alice should surrender up the said customary or copyhold premises and all her estate therein to the intent and purpose that I my extors admons or assigns might purchase and add in the same premises such life or lives or other estate or estates in the room of the said Alice Noyes as I my extors admons or assigns should think proper and also that my said daughter Alice did and should in the mean time and untill such surrender permitt and suffer me my extors admons and assigns peaceably and quietly to hold and enjoy the said premises (or to that effect) as in and by the same bond or writing obligatory and condition thereof relation being thereunto had more fully may appear Now it is my will and I do hereby give and bequeath the same bond or writing obligatory and all benefit and advantage thereof to such child and children of my said daughter Anne the wife of the said Jonathan Mason as she by any writing or writings or by her last will and testament in writing or writing purporting to be her last will and testament or otherwise by any memorandum under her hand shall notwithstanding her coverture direct and appoint and for want of such direction or appointment then I do give the same unto the eldest son of my said daughter Anne who shall be living at the time of my decease his extors admons and assigns and for want of such son then I do give and bequeath the same unto the eldest daughter of my said daughter Anne who shall be living at the time of my decease her extors admons and assigns Also I give and bequeath unto my grandaughter Mary Mason daughter of the said Anne wife of the said Jonathan Mason the sum of ffifty pounds of lawfull British money to be paid her by my executor hereinafter named when and as soon as she shall arrive at her age of twenty one years But in case she shall happen to die under that age then the said legacy shall not be paid Also I give and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary the wife of George Lewis and unto my said daughter Anne wife of the said Jonathan Mason and my said daughter Alice Noyes all my household goods household ffurniture and wearing apparell whatsoever to be equally divided between them share and share alike And it is my will that what I have hereby given unto or in trust for my said daughters and their children respectively shall be in full satisfaction and discharge of all demands whatsoever which they or any or either of them can or shall or may claim or demand by or out of the estate or effects of my late son Thomas Noyes deceased or any part thereof And as for and concerning all the rest residue and remainder of my goods chattells estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever after my debts legacies and ffuneral expenses shall be fully paid and discharged I do give and bequeath the same unto my said son in law George Lewis whom I do hereby make nominate and appoint sole executor of this my last will and testament and I do revoke all former wills by me made In witness whereof I the said testatrix Mary Noyes have to this my last will and testament sett my hand and seal the Seventh day of July in the Thirty Third year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord King George the Second over Great Britain And in the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and ffifty nine.