

In the Name of God Amen

 I Thomas Noyes of Froxfield in the County of Wilts do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (That is to say) First I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God hoping and believing a remission of my sins, by the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ : and my body I commit to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executor hereafter named; and my worldly estate if there is any left after my debts and funeral expenses paid as follows.

Item I give to my beloved wife Ann Noyes one shilling to be paid by my executor within twelve months after my decease.

Item I give to my four children Catheren Mary-Ann William and Charlotte all the remainder of my stocks whether goods chattles bonds notes of hands book debts cash or whatsoever that may belong to me at my decease and to be left in the hands of my executor for the life of the above said Catheren Mary-Ann William and Charlotte and to be distributed amongst them as my executor shall appoint.

Lastly I nominate and appoint my brother William Crook Noyes to be my whole and sole executor to this my last Will and Testament to perform all this my said will, being in perfect sound mind and memory, as witness my hand this ninth day of June one thousand seven hundred and eighty.



Signed sealed published and declared

by the within Thomas Noyes to be

his last Will and Testament, in the

presence of us who subscribed our names

in the presence of the said Testator


Nathaniel Batt

Mary Spackman

Robert Noyes