Descendants of William Noyes


1. William Noyes

WN & Q vol 5 pgs 446/7

[ADD ROLL 19,736 View of Frankpledge and Court at Erchfount 12 April, 31Elizabeth]

Robert Noyes, gentleman, has kept and pastured in Inlandes 5 horses, asif belonging to the Rectory of Erchfount; George Mortimer, occupier ofthe demesne lands of the manor belonging to site of manor or capitalmessuage, has pastured and kept 21 horses as in right of said demesne;and whereas William Noyes who had held and occupied as well the saiddemesne land as the land of the Rectory for 30 years in I Elizabeth, andbefore him William Noyes his father, grandfather of said Robert Noyes,occupied the same for many years, and Robert Noyes himself for 28 yearspast, and put only 21 horses on the said common pasture, the Inlands, oneof them oppresses the pasture with foresaid horses; and at the next courtthe truth thereof is to be presented.

[This excerpt proves the existence of two generations of William Noyes.It was previously thought the references to William Noyes to be the sameperson.]