Descendants of William Noyes


284. Charles Noyes

Obituary from Peterborough Examiner Monday 15th May 1925 courtesy of IvanBateman.

Mr. Charles Noyes, a well known resident of Peterborough, died verysuddenly Thursday afternoon between 5 o'clock and 6 o'clock. The deceasedwas 80 years of age and came to Canada from the U.K. in 1873, beingemployed by the Grand Trunk Railway all this time, with the exception of4 to 5 years. For a number of years he was stationed at the Charlotte St.crossing, where he made a host of friends.

He lived at 35 Armour Rd.

He leaves his wife, the former Harriet Green. He leaves two sons, W.H.Noyes of Belleville, F.C.Noyes of Rochester, N.Y., and four daughters,Mrs H.Trollope of 588 Division St. Peterborough, Mrs. J.Cole of RochesterN.Y., Mrs Harry Orchard and Mrs. Arther Juby of Fairport N.Y. He leavesthree brothers, Henry of 346 Mark St. George and Immanuel in the U.K. andMrs Cook in the U.K.

He was a member of the Oddfellows.

285. John Noyes

Obituary that appeared in the "Peterborough Examiner" of 1st May 1923courtesy of Ivan Bateman.

John Henry Noyes

The deceased was very well known as an employee of the Grand TrunkRailway, having been employed for many years as a section man and beinggreatly respected by his fellow workers. He was a veteran Oddfellow of 45years standing, being a member of Peterborough I.O.O.F 111. He came tothis city
23 years ago from Lakefield.

There are left to mourn his loss, his wife, two sons, George and Walterand four daughters, Elizabeth, Caroline, Florence, and Lillian. He isalso survived by three brothers, Charles and Harry of Peterborough, andWalter (sic) of Madoc.

315. Annie Harriet Noyes

Annie Harriet (Noyes) Poole Obituary (courtesey of Dolores Cameron)
The death occurred Tuesday, March 9, 1951, of one of the old timers ofFroude, when Annie Harriet, dearly beloved wife of Mr. Harrison Poole,passed quietly away. Mrs. Poole, who was affectionately known as"Grandma Poole," to everyone, was held in high esteem by all. She wasborn Annie Noyes at West Huntington, Ontario, October 5, 1875. She wasmarried to Mr. Harrison Poole at Madoc, Ontario, on December 15, 1896 andthey made their home near Tweed until 1910, when they moved toaskatchewan, where they farmed at Stoughton and Innes until 1928, whenthey moved to a farm at Froude in 1933, where they lived until theyretired to Froude in 1933, where they resided since. Mrs. Poole had been
in failing health for some years and this winter had contracted a heavycold from which she failed to recover. Besides her husband, she issurvived by one son, Leslie, six grandchildren; also by four brothers,Thomas of Stoughton; Robert and George of Belleville, and one sister,
Mrs. Wilson, at Humberstone, Ontario.

Funeral services were held in Froude United Church with Reverend D.Morrison of Creelman officiating. The robed choir sang "The Old RuggedCross," and the congregation sang "Oh God Our Help in Ages Past," "O,Love That Will Not Let Me Go," and "Abide With Me." She was a member ofFroude United Church and a member of Cavell Lodge of the ladies OrangeBenevolent Association.

Pall bearers were A. Allewell, D. Milford, A McKechnie, A. MacDonald, E.Montjoy, J.H. Campbell. Interment was made in Stoughton Cemetery. FloralTributes were from the following: The Family, Irvin, Thelma and Dolores;Bun, Lorna and Donna; Audrey and Walter, Mr. And Mrs. N. Pool; Mr. AndMrs. G. Poole; Mr. And Mrs. R. Dreger; Sam and Rachel; Sam and Minnie;The Noyes Family, The McKechnies; Mr. and Mrs. Broughton; Mrs. Meadows;Mr. and Mrs. J. A. MacDonald; Mr. and Mrs. E. Montjoy and
family; Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. Campbell; Mr.and Mrs. Harold Campbell; Mr. and Mrs. Makoymowich and family; Mr. andMrs. T. Needham and boys; Mr. and Mrs. D. A .Smith and family; Mr. andMrs. F. Watts; Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lund; Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lund; Mr. andMrs. Hewlett; Mrs. McWhinie and sons; The Sprecken Family; Mr. and Mrs.E. Procknow and family; The John Wilhelm Family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burns;Froude community, including Mr. and Mrs. Cizimar, Mr. and Mrs.Beltramini, Mr. and Mrs. Allewell, Mr. and Mrs. Reid, The Jackson family,Mr. and Mrs. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Knibbs. Mrs.Calvin contributed a donation to the Red Cross in memory of Mrs. Poole.

287. Henry Noyes

Obituary from Peterborough Examiner Wednesday 15 thOctober 1930, courtesyof Ivan Bateman.

Mr Henry Noyes, a familiar and respected figure in local railway circlesfor the greater part of the last half century passed away at hisresidence at 146 Hunter St. East early Tuesday morning in his 76th yearafter an illness of 4 weeks duration. He was a son of the late Mr. andMrs Robert Noyes and came to this country from Hampshire, England 55years ago. Entering the service of the old GTR, now the CNR, he was firststationed at Keene and took up his duties in this city 21 years ago. Forthe past 6 years he has been track foreman at the Quaker Oats Co. and hasalways held a high reputation as a conscientious and trustworthy workman.

He leaves his sorrowing wife, one son George Henry in Toronto, twodaughters, Mrs Craig of Rogers St., and Mrs E Sollitt of Romaine St.,also one sister, Mrs Cook and two brothers, George and Immanuel ofEngland.

Funeral Thursday at 2 p.m conducted by Rev.Thornley of Mark St.UnitedChurch.

291. Emanuel Noyes

The youngest child of the family, Emanuel was born the same year hisgrandfather died and was named after him. Born at East End, Tangley,Hampshire he was Baptised at St Thomas aBeckitt by the Revd Arundel on11th june 1865. The 1881 Census gave his occupation as plough boy butfrom there he worked as a builders labourer as told in a letter from LilyFord his neice to Carol Bateman of Canada. He married Matilda Buncec.1890 and they lived in a cottage back behind the school at Smannellnear Andover. Five children were all born at Smannell and Baptised inKnights Enham church. Early in the 20th century, they moved to Andoverand settled in Vigo Road. Matilda died c.1926 but Emanuel lived to seefive grand children and died 1943 age 78 in Petersfield, Hampshire whileliving with his daughter Matilda Elizabeth "Lizzie".

334. Matilda Elizabeth Noyes

Died without issue.

337. Sarah Annie Noyes

Had one son Robert George Cox.