
PRO PROB 11/525 p.105 Quire 14 1712 John Noyes of Trinity House.


I John Noyes of Trinity House London Gentleman being of sound memory and understanding do make and ordain This my Last will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made and I Commit my Soul to God hoping Through the merits of Christ my Saviour to have full pardon of all my Sins my body I Commit to the earn to be devoutly buried in such manner as my Executor hereafter named shall Think fit And whereas I have made provision for my dear wife out of my Lands and Hereditaments in the County of Bedford I give and dispose all my real and personal estate as is hereinafter mentioned I give to my dear Sister Frances Noyes the Sum of Twenty pounds to buy her Mourning Item I give All my Lands Tenements And Hereditaments to the heirs Male of my Body And for want of such I give to my Loving Brother Richard Noyes Esquire and his heires Item In Case I have one or more Daughters or younger Son or younger Sons borne or in ventro Samere at the time of my Decease I give to every of such Daughters or younger Sons One Thousand Pounds apiece to be paid to them respectively at such time as they shall respectively Attain their respective Ages of One and Twenty years or Respective days of Marriage which shall first Happen And interest Thereof I will shallbe Allowed to them respectively for Their Maintenance And Education And in case any of Such Daughters or younger Sons Shall Depart this life before Such time as his her or their respective portion or portions become payable I give the respective portion or portions of him her or them so dying to my Executor hereinafter named Item All the rest of my personal Estate whatsoever I give and devise to my said dear Brother Richard Noyes his Executors and Administrators And I make my said brother Richard Noyes Sole Executor of this my Last will In Witness whereof I have to this my last will Set my hand and Seal the Eight and Twentieth day of July in the Tenth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Anne by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland Queen Defender of the Faith etc Annoq [ue) Domini One Thousand Seven hundred and Eleven. J. Noyes Signed Sealed and published by the Said John Noyes As his Last will and Testament in the presence of us who Subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the Testator Robie Sherwin Robert Harper John Evans

PROBATIM FUIT 14th. January 1711 [old style]