[Research and transcription courtesy of Mr and Mrs E M Noyes of Gomshal, Surrey]

Guildhall Library MS 30004/7 1685 - 1704, searched, no mention of Noyes.
Note dates are Old Style years.

Court held 17th. June 1692
The Petition to Her Majesty for granting her Letters Patent to the Corporation for receiving the duty for the Light pretended to be erected upon the Eddystone being read and approved of, was ordered to be put into the hands of our Master to be by him presented.

MS 30004/8 1705 - 1720.

Court held 6th. July 1706
The business of the Court being over Mr. Noyes prayed leave to lay before them a memorial showing that he had served the Corporation sixteen years with little profit in hopes that Mr. Hunter should die or be moved to some other employment the Honourable Corporation would appoint him to succeed him as their Clerk. That Mr.Hunter in the year 1704 being constituted a Commissioner of the Victualling he the said John Noyes was appointed his deputy and as such hath officiated ever since But Mr. Hunter will not perform an agreement he made with him in September last for resigning to him on a valuable consideration the said Office and neither will he leave his Residence. in Trinity House although he had agreed so to do at Lady Day but which Mr. Noyes most humbly submitted to the Court to give such orders therein as they should see occasion. Whereupon Mr.Noyes withdrew and the same was taken into debate. But before the Court came to any resolution it was moved that Mr. Hunter ( who attended without) might be called in and heard what he had to say in the matter. When being consented to Mr. Hunter at first seemed to insist on his being named Clerk in the Charter and his right of putting in a deputy or acting himself as he thought fit but being told the Court was satisfied with Mr. Noyes in every particular and therefore resolved not to part with him Mr. Hunter desired they would allow him time for his agreeing with Mr.Noyes which was granted by the Court who signified to him that they expected that he should forthwith perfect such agreement otherwise they would compose the difference themselves to which Mr. Hunter acquiesced and withdrew. And Mr. Noyes being called he was acquainted herewith who returned his thanks to the Court for their direction in this affair, only praying they would be pleased to limited the time for Mr. Hunter agreeing with him as was though highly reasonable. It was put to the vote and resolved that Mr.Hunter do finish his agreement with Mr. Noyes within the space of one month from the day otherwise they would call a Court on purpose to settle the affair as they should think fit.

Court held 20th. August 1706
It was this day ordered that in consideration of Mr. Hunter's long and faithful service as Clerk for 20 years the said Mr. Hunter's personal attendance be for the future dispensed with and whereas Mr. John Noyes upon the said Mr. Hunter being constituted one of her Majesty's Victualling was appointed to be the said Mr.Hunter's deputy whose service this Corporation has approved. This Court having constituted the said Mr.Noyes to be still continued his deputy which the said Mr. Hunter has consented to this Court doth order that the said Mr. Noyes be given the Bond in the Penalty of £1000 to this Corporation and be required for the faithful discharge of his trust as long as he continued deputy and the said Mr.Hunter shall not be answerable for any default or neglect of the said Mr.Noyes. But this Court having decided that as often as shall be thought convenient by the Brotherhood that Mr. Hunter should attend for the service of this Court the said Mr. Hunter has promised on notice given so to do and it is hereby declared by the Court that they will continue the same allowance and other advantages that have been received and enjoyed by Mr. Hunter.

Court held 9th. Nov. 1706
It was moved that in regard that Mr Noyes officiated as Clerk of this Corporation it was necessary he should take to oath appointed in the Charter for the Clerk whereupon he was sworn accordingly.

Court held 30th. July 1707
Ordered that Mr. Noyes do write to the Mayor of Yarmouth for information what progress he has made in procuring subscriptions for some additional duty towards defraying the late charges of placing further buoys in the New Channel at Winterton and the constant expense this Corporation will be at for their future maintaining the same for the general good and security of the navigation on that coast.

Court held 27th. August 1707
[About subscription to buoys in the New Channel at Winterton] Mr. Noyes acquainting the Court that he had received no answer to the letter some time since sent to the Mayor of Yarmouth for procuring subscriptions towards the charges of that New Channel at Winterton it was Resolved to wait for answer some little longer. But that if voluntary contributions be refused (which it was thought unlikely) some other expedient be thought of in this business.

Court held 19th November 1707
Mr. Noyes acquainted the Court that by direction of the Deputy Master he had prepared an answer to the letter from the Navy Board which was enclosed in a copy of a letter from Sir Jm. Jennings to the Secretary of the Admiral complaining of the pilots belonging to the house in general and particularly those lately sent to the Squadron under his command was ordered to be read the said answer which he did accordingly and the same being found to contain a full account of the great care of this Corporation in their examination and certifying pilots and a vindication from them of the least omission or mismanagement on their supplying Her Majesty's ships with only those they judged as most proper for the service was unanimously approved by the Court and being signed by the Master and all the Brothers present was directed to be forthwith sent to the Commissioners of the Navy in order their laying it before His Royal Highness. The Secretary to enter the same in the Letter Book forthwith.
The same day
The paper being prepared by Mr. Noyes for obliging such Masters of ships to the payment of one farthing in the Tunn toward the maintenance of the buoys in the New Channel between the Cockle and Scrobe the said instrument was read and approved by the Court it appearing that several of the ship owners and Masters of corners had already signed their names thereto Mr. Noyes was directed to procure the necessary more subscriptions as possible without loss of time.

Court held 3rd. November 1708
Ordered that the salary of Mr. R. Noyes our collector at the Port of London be augmented to £40 per annum.

Court held 7th. June 1709
Ordered that Mr. Noyes do signify to the Dean of Canterbury the approaching Trinity Monday and that in case he cannot himself preach the anniversary sermon at Deptford the Court will appoint some other Divine to preach on his stead on that day. [Trinity Sunday next after Pentecost. This looks like a slip of the pen by whoever wrote up the Minutes, it should have been Sunday, or Monday next after Trinity Sunday]

Court held 5th. May 1710
Ordered that Mr. Noyes do signify to the Dean of Canterbury the approaching Trinity Monday and that if he cannot preach himself the anniversary sermon at Deptford the Court will appoint some other on that day.

Court held 17th. May 1710
Mr. Richard Noyes acquainted the Court that the Lieutenancy were resolved to try the validity of our Charter as to the exempting of younger Brethren from serving in the militia for their Persons and that they have enlisted some and were resolved to oblige the rest to it. On fully considering this affair was resolved to stand trial since the Attorney General and other Counsel Learned in the Law were fully of opinion that the direction of the militia was in the Crown and that Her Majesty could exempt whom she thought fit from that service.

Court held 3rd August 1710
NOTE: On trial the exemption of the Brethren from militia service was upheld.

Court held 14th December 1711
Ordered that Mr. Richard Noyes do officiate as Clerk to this Corporation during the sickness of Mr. John Noyes which the Master has been pleased to signify to him he promised to do so with the utmost diligence. [John Noyes passed away between this Court session and 14th January 1711 old style (1712 new style) cf. will]

Court held 14th February 1712
Mr Hunter requested that his attending the service of this Corporation be dispensed with in regard to his being a Commissioner of Victualling and that he might have leave to exercise his office of Clerk to this Corporation by a deputy as he was empowered to do by the Charter and had been before allowed in the case of Mr. John Noyes deceased and accordingly he recommended Mr. Richard Noyes for the approbation of the Court to act as Clerk of this Corporation. Whereupon it was put to the question and unanimously Resolved that Mr. Richard Noyes be admitted to act as Clerk of the Corporation with the same salary and advantages as had been enjoyed by his brother and he accordingly took the oath of Clerk appointed in the Charter and was ordered to give his bond in the penalty of £1000 for the faithful discharge of the office.
The Court then took into consideration the appointment of a proper person to collect the Duty at the Customs House in the place of the said Mr. Noyes And Mr. John Wormby who has long acted under Mr. Noyes and received those duties in his absence being recommended every way qualified for and in the business It was Resolved that Mr. John Wormby be deputed collector of the duties at the Customs House in the place of Mr. Richard Noyes and a debate arising about the salary settled on this office in that place and about the poundage always allowed to be deducted by the officer of the Coast Duties the consideration there of was referred to another Court.

Court held 4th March 1712/13
Mr. Noyes informed the Court that the Ballast Cause had been heard in the Exchequer and that the Court had taken time till the next Term to give Judgement. But had in the meantime ordered an Injunction to stay the defendants Bowater and Vousden from selling or supplying any ships with Ballast from their wharf at Woolwich. After which it was debated whether the Ballast Lighter should be new weighed, and that to prevent all abuse in the tonnage of ballast the lighters employed in the ballastage should be weighed at such time and place and in such manner as the Deputy Master and Wardens with the supervision of the ballast office shall think proper.

Court held 11th Feb. 1714
A debate ensuing whether an answer should be sent to my Lord Orford's letter signed by the whole Court or only by Mr. Noyes by the command of the Corporation, Resolved that Mr. Noyes do return the answer thereto and let his lordship know that for the reasons aforesaid the Court cannot comply with his request.
[Earl of Orford had written proposing one Capt. Wm. Wright to fill vacancy of Elder Brother. Court informed that Mr.Wright lay under the censure of the Admiralty & Navy Board for some mismanagement, therefore the Court would not appoint him]
[Fire between September 1714 and February 1714 (February 1715 new style) destroyed Trinity House. cf. Richard Noyes Will.]

Court held 12th May 1715
At a Court in Mark Lane the Deputy Master then informed the Court that upon their last house in Water Lane being burnt down he had in company with the Wardens and several brethren agreed to take the house where they now met.

Court held 5th July 1715
Sir George Byng further moved that one Capt. Newland might be deputed collector of the Light money at Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight in the room of Mr. John Mellish.. The consideration of which was likewise deferred to the next Court And Mr. Noyes directed in the meantime to enquire if Mr. Mellish executes this business by himself or only by a deputy.

Court held 8th May 1716
The Master was then pleased to move that Mr. John Meilish be removed from collecting the Light Money at Portsmouth and the Isle of Wight being a person represented as disaffected to the Government in a letter his Lordship had received from General Earl Governor of Portsmouth and a Privy Councillor. Whereupon the question being put it was Resolved that Mr. Mellish be removed from being collector of the Light Money and that Mr. Noyes do enquire after a Customs House Officer proper to succeed him in this business.
A memorial of the Hon. Lady Mary Levett widow of Col. John Levett dcd was read setting forth that her last husband's interest in the Eddystone Light House was decreed to be sold for the payment of his debts and a purchaser confirmed by the Court of Chancery, but there was found a Memorandum of his having by some instrument having given to this Corporation the tenth of additional duties on foreigners besides the reserved rent of £100 praying in regard to the great hardship of her family by the building of the Lighthouse the Corporation would cancel the instrument if any such be found or release the same. Whereupon Mr. Noyes acquainting the Court that he could find no such instrument or gift of of additional tenths, nor had the same ever been accounted for. It was resolved to defer the consideration of this matter to the next Court and that search be made in the meantime of the instrument or writing before mentioned.

Court held 28th May 1716
Resolved that Deed of Gift of Tenths should be released.
Mr. Noyes acquainted the Court that the Attorney General had approved of Mr. Russell1s title to the ground in Water Lane. Agreed to be purchased by this Corporation. Referred to Committee for rebuilding.

Court held 3rd December 1718
A proposal by Mr. Edward Bowell of Ipswich was read for the erecting of a lighthouse at Foulness near Cromer in Norfolk as was also a subscription of a great number of Masters of ships using the coal trade and along that coast offering to pay a farthing per ton or halfpenny per chaldron towards the charge of erecting and maintaining such light. Whereupon a debate arising Resolved that further consideration of this matter be adjourned to another Court And that in the meantime Mr. Noyes do write to Newcastle Yarmouth and the other ports to the northward for their assents as well to the usefulness of the proposed light as of the duties subscribed for the maintenance thereof.

Court held 22nd April 1719
Debate on above resumed. Letters from ports attested to the usefulness of light.

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