
PRO PROB 11 580 p.24 Quire 94 1721
Richard Noyes, Arm[iger), of the Middle Temple IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Richard Noyes of the Middle Temple London Esquire being of sound mind and memory do make this my last Will and Testament in manner form following first I commit my Soul to God hoping through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour to have full pardon of all my Sins my body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named And as to my worldly Estate I give and dispose thereof as Followeth and first I give and confirm to my Dear Wife Elizabeth Noyes all her own Estate which was settled upon my marriage with her consisting of the Griffin Tavern in Holbourn and two houses in Bedford row to have and to hold for and during the terme of her naturall life and from and after her decease I give and devise the said Estate to my eldest son Richard Noyes and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue to my second son John and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and so successively to my third fourth and fifth Sons and the heirs males of their bodys respectively and for want of such heirs male to my two Daughters Share and Share alike Item I give and devise to my said Dear Wife for and during her naturall life or so long as she shall continue my Widow all my Lands and Tenements at Wallworth in the County of Surrey as likewise all my Copyhold Estate at Limehouse which is surrendered to the use of my Will but I Will that out of the said Estates she do allow to my eldest son Richard not less than Sixty pounds per Annum for his maintenance during his being at the University and after at the Temple and as I am sensible of the entire love that my said Dear Wife beareth to my said son Richard so I hope for that and other reasons she will not incline to marry againe but will take care of him and the rest of my children and breed them up in the best manner she can and that he and they do make a suitable returne by all possible duty to her as long as they live and from and after the decease of my said Dear Wife or her continuing my widow I give and devise the said Estates at Wallworth and Limehouse to my said eldest son Richard Noyes and the heirs male of his body lawfully begotten and for want of such issue to my second Sonn and such heirs male of his Body lawfully begotten and so successively to my third fourth and fifth Sons and the heirs males of their bodys respectively and for want of such heirs male to my two Daughters Share and Share alike but my Will is and I give the said Estates at Wallworth and Limenouse to my said son Richard upon the express Condition that he releaseth all his right to a Legacy of One thousand pounds and interest devised to him by William Wogan Esq and in case of his refusal so to do I give the said Estates after the decease or Widowhood of my said Dear Wife to and amongst all my younger Children hereafter named Share and Share alike Item I give to my said Son Richard my Chambers in the Temple which I hold for an Assignm[ent] after my death and also my Study of books of all kinds which are of a considerable value upon the same condition nevertheless that he release his said Legacy of One thousand pounds and interest which if he refuseth to do I likewise Will that my said Chambers and books be sold and divided amongst my said younger Children Share and Share alike Item I give to to my dear Daughter Ann the sum of two hundred pounds over and above the Share and proportion she will have with her Brothers and Sisters as hereafter devised Item Whereas I am entitled to a fourth part of the Lighthouse upon the Edistone Rock and to a sixth part of the Lighthouse at Foulness for certaine long terms of years therein to come and to near three thousand pounds (as I compute) for the principal and interest of the Legacies devised to me and my said Son Richard and Brother and Sister John and Frances Noyes deceased by the said William Wogan now I doe hereby give and devise to my said Dear Wife my Shares or interest in the said two light houses as also the said Legacies devised by Mr. Wogan together with my two houses in King Street St Giles and all other my personal Estate upon trust in the first place to pay thereout all my Just Debts and especially what shall appear to be due on the balance of my Account to the Trinity house deducting my loss by the fire and some other particulars amounting to two hundred forty two pounds two shillings and eight pence which I doubt not in consideration of my long and faithful Service and saving their Cash and goods from the fire without regard to my own as well as from their Honour and Justice they will readily allow And from and after payment of my Debts upon this further trust that my said Dear Wife do by perception of the profitts of the said Lighthouses and receipt of the rents of my said two houses and of the Interest of my said personal Estate maintain and Educate my said younger Children as she shall think proper and that she do by sale of my Shares in the said two Lighthouses and of my said two houses in St. Giles raise as much money as can be got for the same which being added to what shall remaine of my other personal Estate I desire she will place out at interest And I give all the said moneys to my said Dear Wife upon trust that she divides the same to and amongst my Six Younger Children Ann John Thomas Elizabeth William and Charles in equal proportions Share and Share alike at their respective ages of twenty one years or my daughters days of marryage and in case of either deaths before such Age of one and twenty or days of marryage the parte or portion of him or her so dyeing to be divided among the other Surviving Brothers and Sisters but my meaning is and I expressly Will that in the first place my said Dear Wife Do take out of my said personal Estate the Legacy of two hundred pounds herein before devised to my daughter Ann over and above her share with her Brothers and Sister and do place out the same on some Security and do pay her the same with the Improvement at her Age of twenty one or day of marriage And I do also take out of my said personal Estate the sum of one hundred pounds to her own use which I hereby give her for mourning etc And I do also take out of my said personal Estate so much more money as she shall think fit for mourning for all the Children and for my Funerall charges and I give unto my said Dear Wife all or such part of my plate Furniture and household goods as she pleases to take and I begg my Friends Maurice Burchfeild Esq Wm. Mowbray Esq Mr Robert Weston and Mr John Whormby whom I have always endeavoured to serve in what lay in my power to be aiding and Assisting to my said Dear Wife in the management of her Affairs and care of her Children and particularly that Mr. Weston and Mr Whormby will advise her when it will be most advantageous to sell my Shares in the said two Lighthouses and will procure her purchasers for the same and that till they be sold Mr. Whormby will pay her the profitts arising from the said respective lights and I give to my said four Friends as also to my Friends John Pitt Esq Mr Tolson Capt Sanders and Capt Hazelwood to each of them a ring in remembrance of me of the value of twenty shillings and I make my said Dear Wife sole Executrix of this my Will in Testimony whereof I have to this my Will wrote on three sides of a Sheet of paper set my hand and Seal to each of the said three sides of paper this third day of March in the Seventh year of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King George of Great Britain etc. Annoq(uel Dom[inl) 1720 RICH NOYES Signed Sealed and published by the said Richard Noyes as his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who Subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Testator the words 'one hundred' in the Seventh line of this side being first interlined J Goldsborough Ja Marener Jun Wm Hollis
PROBATIM FUIT 3rd. May 1721.